Can you believe that today is 200 total posts on our devotional blog! You are incredible! Thanks for staying faithful and keeping this online. If it wasnt for each of you teenagers, I am pretty sure this would not be going on still! I can not wait until we get to ONE YEAR!! That will be great!
Today if you were not in Sunday School, we missed you. Today we voted on whether we would continue with Genesis today or if we would do something else for the day. Most of the group voted to follow up with our sunday school lesson here on the blog today.
Today we continued our Sunday School Series on setting personal standards in your life. Today we specifically covered "setting a personal standard of vision". What do you watch? What do you look at? This morning we discovered how your heart follows the things that your eyes focus on.
Remember the illustration of driving down the road? Whever you look off to the right side of the road, you start drifting to the right side of the road. It can be very dangerous! In the same way, if we look at things that are outside of the boundaries that God has put in our life, then we will drift out of bounds as well. That is even more dangerous!!
This morning we talked about things we should not watch and then we talked about principles that would help us avoid looking at things that displeas God.
For todays blog, share some of your own principles of vision with the rest of us... maybe you have thought of something that we all need to be reminded of, so please share the standards that you have set regarding the things that you will watch.
Remeber: Take a few minutes and write these somewhere besides the blog so that you can always look back at them and be reminded of the personal boundaries you set for your life...
Psalm 101:3
"I will set nothing wicked before my eyes; I hate the work of those who fall away; It shall not cling to me."
My Principles of Vision:
1. I will not watch anything that causes me to think about inappropriate or immoral things.
2. I will only look at the opposite sex from the neck up.
3. I will not watch anything with nudity, or anything that encourages me to be immoral.
4. I will not watch anything that edifies the mutilation of mankind for which Jesus Christ gave His life.
5. I will not play any kind of video game that shows inappropriate or immoral conduct.
6. I will not watch anything that I would feel uncomfortable watching with my wife beside me.
7. I will not watch anything that I would not want my son watching when He is a teenage boy.
8. I will not watch anything that edifies and/or mocks sin. "Fools make a mock at sin" Proverbs 14:9
9. If I go to a movie theater I will check out the movie review before I go to see if it is appropriate. This is a great Christian site to check movies: http://www.pluggedinonline.com/movies/
10. If I go to a movie I will leave if ANY of my personal boundaries have been broken.
Thanks you guys! What are some of your personal boundaries? Make them tough, but not so rediculous that you will not stay true to them. (Example: I will never watch TV or a MOVIE again for the rest of my life!!!!) That might not be a good principle.
Something everyone should do with this list is the few that seem the hardest to accomplish, you should pray and ask God for helf and encoragement. Maybe even form a habit when you start to disobey one of them you remind yourself, "I shouldn't be doing this. God wouldn't be pleased."
Those are great personal standards Pastor Lee, but some of them are the same as mine. But obviously not ALL of them because I don;t struggle with checking girls out and some other ones that you put. But I DO FEEL THAT PERSONAL STANDARDS AE VERY IMPORTANT. The bible talks about them several times and I feel we can benfit greatly from having them. I do have several of my own ecspecially in looking for a future husband! :)
Sometimes i say things i don't mean mut i really don't want to forget about this list. So
1. I'm not gonna watch things on tv that I know I wouldn't watch when my mom or Dad is around.
2.I'm not gonna go on websites that aren't for me.
3. I'm not gonna put another girl above me or below me.
4.I'm not gonna be listening to music i know my parents won't approve of.
well theres probably more but I can't think of them all right know! but it was a good messsage in sunday school.
ok so there are alot of movies and tv shows and just stuff around us to see out that are really inapropriate and but i think that if we just do without some of them we would be alot closer to god and a whole lot better off in the long run.some of the things i will not observe are:
1.movies or tv shows that are unglorifying to god.if i cant picture myself watching the program with my family or jesus i know i shouldnt be watching it.
2.movies or tv shows that have alot of violence or killing in them (i dont imagine that will be hard to give up because im too much of a baby to watch those movies any ways.)that also goes under my #1 catagory.
3.another thing i need to do is stop judging other girls.i see hirls that are prettier than me and i get a really low self esteem and its no good for me to be downing myself like that.
4.i especially wont stand for any movies that take Gods name in vain. cursing is one thing but that takes it to a whole new level and really makes me upset.i used to let it go in the oast but now i am going to make a vow not to stand for it no matter how many people tell me it was a good movie!!!
some of my standards are not to go on the computer if an adult is not home, unless i am doing my devos. and some others i can't think of right now, but if i remember i will post them later.
hey i just wanted to tell you that i did mon., thur., fri., sat,. along with today's devos. sorry i have been slacking off with my devos. also i will probably do last sat. devos. if i remember because i am at my moms and i am going to my dads later.
another one i thought of was that i watch what comes out of my mouth, like i don't curse and i don't use the Lord's name in vain.
i think most of us have set some of the same basic standards, and like most of you,; One is to be careful with what i entertain myself with pertaining to television and movies.
* Anything that needs to be ultra edited isnt worth seeing.
* Anything that makes immoral acts look okay isnt worth seeing.
* Anything making light of murder, and other things of the sort isnt worth seeing.
and from now on i will look out for those much more discriminately!!
Another big one that i wont get too into is comparing myself with others. Im completely clueless as to i could quit that, but im thinking its something i should work on somehow.
hey, im glad we followed up on this mornings lesson it was very interesting to me! I think sometimes you just need to be reminded of those personal standards because they are very important. You dont want to set yourself to a lower standard. I think girls have alot to work on as well as guys. We girls need to make sure we are not flirting with other girls boyfriends, or thinking inpure thoughts. We also need to make sure that we're not watching or looking at anything bad on the internet, tv, books, magazines etc. Anyway this is a great reminder to help keep our minds pure all the time and only God can help us do that.
Ok! so...I had fun tonight Pastor Lee! thanks for teaching me that cup game, I have never seen that before! It was fun! I read what Lucy wrote and those are the things Im going to try NOT to do plus more things like give in to peer pressure,smoking and drugs and things like that. I agree with the things you said Pastor Lee but I prob. wont be playing video games anytime soon or checking girls out! The rest I agree with and I will set those boundaries in my life! well g2g c-yall later! BYE!
also another one for me is not saying curse words or Gods name in vain!!! Just remembered that one when I read tylers comment! sorry for kind of stealing that one but thats a major one for me too! bye again!!
I do not need to list my mine because its excaclly what Pastor Lee Put down and i have one to add i will NOT take Gods in vain and am proud to say i have never done it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just letting you know I read this. My mom is making me get off, so I'll post a comment tomorrow. Have a great day tomorrow, and I'm praying for ya'll, (:
Jeeze Pastor Lee you stole all of my boundaries that you said this morning. ohh well ill just list them anyways.
1. i will not watch a tv show that shows immoral things.
2. i will not watch a movie with nudity in it.
3. i will only watch things that glorify god.
4. i will not watch things that use our lords name in vein.
5. i will not look at bad websites.
Jeeze Pastor Lee you stole all of my boundaries that you said this morning. ohh well ill just list them anyways.
1. i will not watch a tv show that shows immoral things.
2. i will not watch a movie with nudity in it.
3. i will only watch things that glorify god.
4. i will not watch things that use our lords name in vein.
5. i will not look at bad websites.
good job teenagers keep setting those personal boundaries. You will be setting them all your lives, and with Gods help you will gain victory over some of them. I still set boundaries to this day , some I get victory over some I havent yet , (But I havent given up) What I listen to is one boundary I try to set a high standard on. Keep up the great work , we are all very proud of all of you. Love Mr. Paul
1)i can definatly say I need 2 continue 2 watch my mouth...ive done a pretty good gob of that since april...
2)actually...i won't post the rest...those r 4 myself...so never mind
wait... i got another 1
i wont put things before devos, especialy things i shouldn't do
ummm...im havin trouble thinkin of things actually...i mean besides the things i cant mention...
maybe...dont go on websites that i shouldnt be on durin school like games & stuff
basically anythin i wouldnt do infronta Christ
the whole WWJD thing=]
w/e happened 2 those bracletts!?!?!?
HAPPY 2OO devotions day!!
This is a great passage to think about daily as you go to skool or work, This can become a habit and just think if Jesus himself was sitting right next to you doing the same thing then you shouldnt be doing it!! just think about that.. and God wouldnt like you doing that at ALL!!
I really only two things that I think of when I'm about to watch a show or a movie: I shouldn't watch anything that I couldn't see Christ watching it with me, and the verse Psalm 101:3 I will set nothing wicked before my eyes. And if a movie or show does have something that crosses the line, I should turn it off.
Personal boundaries are very important and they are important that they line up with God's boundaries for our lives. We tend to justify the things we watch, listen to, or do. But, we must set boundaries to keep our hearts and minds pure. Some of mine are to watch what comes onto my tv, a way I do this is to set certain channels and watch only those channels. I can also find better things to do with my time that can better glorify God than sit and watch tv.
Watch who I associate myself with. I like to be friends with everybody and sometimes they arn't the Godliest people, BUT I DON'T HANG OUT WITH BAD PEOPLE, NEVER!!! or participate in anything they might do when they're not with me.
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