Saturday, August 23rd, 2008

Hey Everybody! I know weekends are hard, but stay faithful this weekend and be in church tomorrow morning as we continue the second week of our series on personal standards!! This is some important stuff! Be There!

A Few Thoughts From Yesterday:
McCue: Wow! Preach it! Brilliant ideas about the passage in relation to global warming! GREAT JOB!
Alex: Nope, an elephant is not one of the clean animials... you're right! That wouldl be incredibly hard to do!!
Jessica B: I hope you have fun babysitting! So does your mom pay you to watch Alex or not? :)
Jesh Sandefur: Great Job on the devos man! Way to be transparent! I wish everyone was that transparent!
BETHANY F: CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I am so happy for you! Great Job!
Michael: How did the doves find each other? Well, I don't know, but doves are still around today, so I do know this... they DID find each other. :)
Rachel: Those were some incredible devotions! Your illustration was incredible!
Kacey: Great Job Girl! You are not the only one that tries to justify what our flesh really wants to do (like watching some TV show) but I am so Glad that God spoke to you about it. Thanks for being so transparent!!

Genesis 9

1 So God blessed Noah and his sons, and said to them: “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth.
2 And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be on every beast of the earth, on every bird of the air, on all that move on the earth, and on all the fish of the sea. They are given into your hand.
3 Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. I have given you all things, even as the green herbs.
4 But you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood.
5 Surely for your lifeblood I will demand a reckoning; from the hand of every beast I will require it, and from the hand of man. From the hand of every man’s brother I will require the life of man.
6 “ Whoever sheds man’s blood, By man his blood shall be shed; For in the image of God He made man.
7 And as for you, be fruitful and multiply; Bring forth abundantly in the earth And multiply in it.”
8 Then God spoke to Noah and to his sons with him, saying:
9 “And as for Me, behold, I establish My covenant with you and with your descendants after you,
10 and with every living creature that is with you: the birds, the cattle, and every beast of the earth with you, of all that go out of the ark, every beast of the earth.
11 Thus I establish My covenant with you: Never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood; never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth.”
12 And God said: “This is the sign of the covenant which I make between Me and you, and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations:
13 I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth.
14 It shall be, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud;
15 and I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh.
16 The rainbow shall be in the cloud, and I will look on it to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth.”
17 And God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant which I have established between Me and all flesh that is on the earth.”

Noah and His Sons
18 Now the sons of Noah who went out of the ark were Shem, Ham, and Japheth. And Ham was the father of Canaan.
19 These three were the sons of Noah, and from these the whole earth was populated.
20 And Noah began to be a farmer, and he planted a vineyard.
21 Then he drank of the wine and was drunk, and became uncovered in his tent.
22 And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brothers outside.
23 But Shem and Japheth took a garment, laid it on both their shoulders, and went backward and covered the nakedness of their father. Their faces were turned away, and they did not see their father’s nakedness.
24 So Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done to him.
25 Then he said: “ Cursed be Canaan; A servant of servants He shall be to his brethren.”
26 And he said: “ Blessed be the LORD, The God of Shem, And may Canaan be his servant.
27 May God enlarge Japheth, And may he dwell in the tents of Shem; And may Canaan be his servant.”
28 And Noah lived after the flood three hundred and fifty years.
29 So all the days of Noah were nine hundred and fifty years; and he died.

Wow! There is a lot here in this passage! I am going to break it down into three seperate parts and talk about each one to make this a little easier.

First Part: God Blesses Noah and His Family
Second Part: God makes and explains the covenant of the Rainbow!!
Third Part: A Weird story about Noah and his sons

First: I think it is so wonderful to see in this passage how, GOD BLESSES NOAH and HIS FAMILY! Do you realize that God will reward you for being faithful, but He will also reward your entire family for YOUR faithfulness. I think that is so great! Noah must have been a happy man! He obeyed God and He was blessed for it! If we obey God we too will be blessed!

Second: This is all about the creation of the RAINBOW. God makes it very clear in this passage that whenever you see a rain cloud, DO NOT FEAR... God will not destroy the earth with a flood again. God explains that the rainbow exists to remind us of that promise. Here is why I think it is so cool.

God knows that there are going to be sometimes (like this week) in our life where it seems like it will not stop raining, but God wants us to KNOW that the earth will not be destroyed by a flood. I think the coolest part about this is the fact that it shows that God cares about us and protects us through the storms in our life.... And God doesnt expect us to believe Him blindly! He gives us little reminders to trust him, just like the rainbow. He gives us His word, which is full of reminders, He gives us His Holy Spirit, which is great at reminding us of Gods plan for our life, and I could go on and on...

When was the last time that you were going through something rough, and JUST WHEN YOU NEEDED IT, God used or did something to remind you that He is in control and He will not leave you or forsake you. It is so comforting to know we have a God who cares about us!

Third: I am sure that if you read to the end, then most of you were scratching your head on this one. I need to do some more research, but I can explain a little bit. Here is the story. Noah plants a vineyard. Noah makes some wine, drinks it, and gets FLAT OUT DRUNK!!!!! So drunk, that He ends up in his tent with no clothes on?!?! Well, His son, Ham, walks by the tent, and sees his father lying there naked... and What does he do? Does he just cover his father up to show respect? Nope! He goes and gets all his brothers to come and look at their dad. Instead of Honoring his father, He made a decision to tell others about his fathers shame, and therefore disrespected his Father.

When Noah found out, after he sobered up... He was ticked. So Ham was cursed, and all of his children that followed would be cursed. It is unbelievable how one bad decision can effect many generations to come. We clearly see that the people of Cannan are ungodly and cursed people throughout the rest of the Bible.

Respect your parents, don't dishonor them, and definitely DO NOT go tell other people to look at them if they are NAKED and DRUNK. We don't want to see that, so just Honor them and keep it to yourself!


Anonymous said...

Great job, Bethany F! I especially liked your comment about swearing. "Is that necessary?" I'm going to use that some time. It's a polite and yet blunt way of calling someone's attention to what they are doing. Thank you.

Mrs. W.

Anonymous said...

hah thanks mrs.w umm well i read my devos this morning and i have to go to my volleyball game so ill be back on later! wish me luck!!!=)

Anonymous said...

Whenever I look at a rainbow I always tell other people how it is made, and what it means. It is made by the refractionation of light and water in the air, and it represents God's covenent with man on how God will never flood the Earth again.

Pastor Lee, how is your Mother doing in Jacksonville from Fay?

red head said...

well i think of the kids song god knows were we are u know that god know what ur going to say and he knows what we think and i personally think that our god is the greatest of all and i saw a rainbow today

Rachel☺; said...

Okay so i had to do chores first thing when i woke up...ew.
But im here now! (:

Well i love rainbows, they are truly fascinating. And to be reminded that its a promise of God is even more remarkable.
How creative God must've been to create those colors out of water and light, and even more so to create man of dirt and woman of a bone!
Im sooo glad God wont flood the earth again because that would be scary and i cant really swim. (:
Along with what i said yesterday about being thankful for the rain; when there is a storm i can also think of the rainbow afterwards and how after every storm in life i will face, there will be a beautiful result.

Uhmm, that last part... i have no comment..?
Just dont make fun of your dad when hes drunk because when he wakes up on a hangover he will curse you.

well, see you all at church tomorrow ((:

Anonymous said...

ok so the only thing i can really relate to is the rainbow thing ...i dont know my dad and i pray that i never have to see his nakedness...that would be kinda akward.but i do see rainbows alot and i never knew the whole thing about how rainbows represent the covenant between me and God so i found that very i also sighted a rainbow this afternoon while i was letting the dog out and that made me more excited than kinda makes you feel the spiritual connection more closely.but learning that and then seeing a rainbow today deffinetly put a smile on my face.=)))))))another thing that put a smile on my face was winning m volleybal game this morning!!!=)we won 17 to 14 against the junior varsity team!!!that was our revenge for freshman friday.hahaha but that was very exciting.i look forward to seeing you all in church tomorrow morning!=)

Anonymous said...

Wow I never thought rainbows meant so much!!!But know when i see one i can tell people what it means.How is it disrespecting your father to not cover him, and go tell your brothers??? and where was noahs wife? well i read Genesis before but i never really looked at it like this!
well see you all in church tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

hahahahahahaha!!!!!!! pastor lee you are funny and i wish i got paid for that.

WOWEEEEEEE!!!that was an awesome chapter!!!! it starts out with God blessing noahs family and explaining the covenant of the rainbow,13 I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth.
14 It shall be, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud;.i have heard this stroy many many times but never quite got it this much.i used to think that God made the rainbow so that the leprechauns could have thier own personal bank!!(i was young and gullible).anyway so the next thing i saw was like pastor lee said a strange story about noah and his sons,no comments!?!?!?!?

okay well see you all in sunday school!!

Amy :) said...

Noah lived 950 years!!! Holy Cow thats OLD today we think of old like 70 to him that was probably like 16 or something!!!, The rainbow is another thing that can be a good testimony to other people that arnt saved, its also the great promise that God would not flood the earth again with water. That is such a beautiful thing to just look at after a storm or something!

Pastor Lee I feel bad I can't come to church tomorrow cause I dont have a ride. But I will definetly be there on Wed. :(

Bethany B. said...

I love rainbows! I think its amazing that God put forth to show the world that he would never flood the Earth again.Like Amy said the rainbow really is a testimony to the unsaved! Plus rainbows are really pretty, we see God's amazing creativity shows through the rainbow.

Bethany B. said...

Oh I am so excited for this next comimg school week and i have play tryouts!!!!!!!

RYAN said...

Wow how can someone live to be 950 years old thats increadible. God had great things planned for Noahs life so he stayed alive as long as God wanted him to and until his purpose was complete. God did some amazing things in the live of Noah. he even established a covenate with him promising that he would never make a killing flood on this Earth again. it is true when you say that we need to obey our parentss and whatever they do keep it to yourselve.

aicirt said...

The rainbow is so beautiful and causes us to look to the heavens, where we can appropriately be reminded of God and His promises.

I help with pre-k at my school and they just learned about the rainbow and its so cool that they're learning about all the colors and where it came from.

Man, Noah got close to being the oldest person in the world to be recorded! 950 years old! wow, Methusala lived 969, only 20 years away from being the oldest man ever!

Okay, you know hyperbaric chambers, how they help people heal faster. Well, before the flood, that was what the earth was like, so old people wern't as wrinkly and eww as some are today. Nobody born after the flood has lived past 120 years old.

Anonymous said...


Jessica M said...

Rainbow...that was beautiful!!! lol

What I see is that the other brothers respected their father even though what he did was wrong. God has commanded us to honor our father and mother. And that is something to be worked on for sure! Ham dihonored Noah greatly! Therefore the family was cursed for it. Noah wasn't in any right situation for himself either becasue he sinned by becoming drunk! BAD NOAH!

Cya in church tomorrow!

Mallory B (basketball team) said...

Wow! Ok this was kind of hard for me to understand because there were different things this passage talked about, but the things that stuck out to me the most were Gods covenant about the rainbow! I like how God promises to never flood the earth again and shows it with the rainbows after rainstorms(which I saw on Friday after it rained) Thats pretty much the main things I got out of this passage and that God blessed Noahs family!I also know that I dont have to worry about the earth being flooded again because God made a promise to us, which im thankful for!!! and honestly I think the ending about Noah and his sons was wierd too Pastor Lee, but what you wrote helped understand what happened a little bit better. Not to much more I can add to what you said! lol! well g2g c-yall 2moro! BYE!

Anonymous said...

Wow Noah lived a 950 years THATS A LONG TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So i whenever i see a rainbow its ually just like half a rainbow and just think of how big the rainbow probably was in Noahs time but anyways i never saw a big beautiful rainbow untill one day when we were going through some hard things and we asked for a sign to show that everything was gonna be alright and we got out of the car and there was this rainbow just amazing in color beautiful and we knew it was a sign of God and i think about this if Noah hadnt of done waht God had said we probably wouldnt be here becuase everyone would be wiped out and so there wouldnt be anyone to multiply.
Sorry i missed yesterdays devostions.
CYA in church!!!!!!!

Kacey! said...

I think that the rainbow is Gods prettiest promise, (: In school last year, I was taught that the Earth was going to flood because of global warming and the ice caps are melting. The kids in my class were all freaked out about it. I thought it was funny, because people actually believe that stuff. They were discussing us having to move to Mars. Haha, I couldn't help but laugh at them. Thinking back that could have been a great time to witness. I wish I had a time machine and do it all again.

Tylermon33 said...

this starts out by God blessing noah's family for obeying Him and never doubting Him. then He says that everything they plant will be fruitful and all the animals will come to them and that they will never be short of food. then God tells noah that the rainbow that will be after the rain is a sign that He will never flood the earth again. then noah plants a vineyard and makes wine out of the fruit that came from it and got drunk and somehow naked. so ham saw his dad drunk and naked and instead of helping his dad he gets his two other brothers and shows them his drunk dad. then when noah wakes up and finds out what ham did, he curses him and all of the children that will come from him (that was the most random and weird part of the whole entire story). so if we listen to God and trust in Him, than He might bless us, but don't just listen and trust in Him to be blessed because if you do than He wont bless you. also God sent noah a sign that He wont flood the earth again by giving him a rainbow and He still sends us signs today but they might not be as obvious. finally we shouldn't try to embarrass our parents because that is wrong and just mean to do and if they find out they will punish us. so we need to be kind and loving to our parents and if something like our parents being drunk happens we should help them and not embarrass them.

Anonymous said...

this is why i love rainbows! Everytime i see 1 i remember god's promise 2 never destroy all mankind like that again...

if his word wasnt enough, he gives a physical reminder!

i actually had a time last yr when i was in a complete spiral downwards, the whole school in fact, but then a rainbow popped out & the school went from dark & gloomy 2 like WEEEEEEE! & super happy & excited=]

& yea, that's kinda dumb 2 dishonor ur rents like that=[ i wouldnt even THINK of it...EVER...i mean yeah occasionally they get on my nerves but NEVER would i do that!

respect ur rents, EVERY1 4that matter...i know u wouldnt lke it if sum1 pointed out/shared a weak moment in ur life 2 every1 especialy the 1s who mean the most...

Buffalo Wild Wings Reward Activity!! Thanks for being faithful!

Stay Faithful and Join us Next Time!