See you in church tonight for our NINJA WARRIOR SERIES!!!!!!!
Genesis 20
1 And Abraham journeyed from there to the South, and dwelt between Kadesh and Shur, and stayed in Gerar.
2 Now Abraham said of Sarah his wife, “She is my sister.” And Abimelech king of Gerar sent and took Sarah.
3 But God came to Abimelech in a dream by night, and said to him, “Indeed you are a dead man because of the woman whom you have taken, for she is a man’s wife.”
4 But Abimelech had not come near her; and he said, “Lord, will You slay a righteous nation also?
5 Did he not say to me, ‘She is my sister’? And she, even she herself said, ‘He is my brother.’ In the integrity of my heart and innocence of my hands I have done this.”
6 And God said to him in a dream, “Yes, I know that you did this in the integrity of your heart. For I also withheld you from sinning against Me; therefore I did not let you touch her.
7 Now therefore, restore the man’s wife; for he is a prophet, and he will pray for you and you shall live. But if you do not restore her, know that you shall surely die, you and all who are yours.”
8 So Abimelech rose early in the morning, called all his servants, and told all these things in their hearing; and the men were very much afraid.
9 And Abimelech called Abraham and said to him, “What have you done to us? How have I offended you, that you have brought on me and on my kingdom a great sin? You have done deeds to me that ought not to be done.”
10 Then Abimelech said to Abraham, “What did you have in view, that you have done this thing?”
11 And Abraham said, “Because I thought, surely the fear of God is not in this place; and they will kill me on account of my wife.
12 But indeed she is truly my sister. She is the daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my mother; and she became my wife.
13 And it came to pass, when God caused me to wander from my father’s house, that I said to her, ‘This is your kindness that you should do for me: in every place, wherever we go, say of me, “He is my brother.”’”
14 Then Abimelech took sheep, oxen, and male and female servants, and gave them to Abraham; and he restored Sarah his wife to him.
15 And Abimelech said, “See, my land is before you; dwell where it pleases you.”
16 Then to Sarah he said, “Behold, I have given your brother a thousand pieces of silver; indeed this vindicates you[a] before all who are with you and before everybody.” Thus she was rebuked.
17 So Abraham prayed to God; and God healed Abimelech, his wife, and his female servants. Then they bore children;
18 for the LORD had closed up all the wombs of the house of Abimelech because of Sarah, Abraham’s wife.
Wow! De Javu'!!
Can you believe that Abraham tried that "sister" thing again!!! This man literally gave his wife to two different kings because He was affraid that the king would kill him. Have you ever sinned, then repented and then sinned again? I have. I am much more like Abraham than I would like to admit in this regard.
There have been many times in my life where I sin against God and then I ask for forgiveness, and then the next thing I know I am sinning again. Just as it made Abraham look really dumb, it makes me look very dumb when I sin, repent, and sin again.
Did you notice what else Abraham did? He tried to justify his sin! Unbelievable! Abraham literally said: well, she is king of my sister... we have the same father!!
Abraham! Dont justify your sin! Pastor Lee, Dont justify your sin!! That makes it even worse: When I justify my sin, then I am trying to excuse it, or act like it is not my fault... HOWEVER, WHEN YOU OR I SIN IT IS OUR OWN CHOICE AND OUR OWN FAULT.
The sin was not telling everyone that Sarah was his sister, because that was partially true: The sin was not trusting God enough to believe that God would take care of Him...
There is this song that says: Do right till the stars fall!! That should be our motto... even if it is scary and we might get killed (that is what Abraham thought) we must still obey God and DO RIGHT!!!
Hey peeps, sorry I've not been on in a whole, i will try to be more faithful.
So Abraham went to the south. with his wife and told the king that she is his sister and Abimelech took Sarah and in his dreams that night God said that the woman he took has a husband...ok I know it's Abrahams wife and he shouldn't just keep giving her to people but why does she go everytime,can't she say no. ok so Abimelech says that she said Abraham was her brother. and i think he says I only took her because I thought she didn't have a husband but i don't know. and God says yes I know but give her back or I KILL YOU!
and that has happened to me before I sin say i'm sorry and the next thing you know i'm doing it again!!! and I need to fix that in my life.
oh i'm was first yay
Wow silly silly abraham why does he keep doing this wife sister thing. He keeps on geetting a bunch of stuff and privelages. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing that he keeps on posing his wife as his sister. Technically since he is not telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth I guess you can say that he is sinning. WE CAN"T DO THAT! thats why in court we have to swear on the bible.
Lessons of the day
1 tell the WHOLE truth not just half of it.
2 trust god, its not like he's gonna poison you and slowly dip you in acid if you do something wrong, and if your saved your not going to hell. So do as he says and put thy trust in him.
I do that all the time, its soo hard not to...sin and then ask for forgivness and then do the same sin again!! We should do the right thing even if no one is watching, but God is watching!! Like I said before in a devotion, I said that if we can't picture Jesus doing the same thing that we are doing then we shouldnt be doing it all... Today @ skool some kids wernt saying good words and i told them to stop, it was really hard for me too say that but then whenever i said it i felt much better for doing the right thing.
Can't wait till tonight NINJA WARRIOR SERIES is going to be a BLAST!!
I've realized any Christian really does what Abraham did in this chapter. I know I have. Something that would help is get into a habit of every time you do that sin that you just repented of, remind yourself that you shouldn't do it. Practice and prayer are the 2 best things to do when you do "it" again. Wow, I should put this into consideration; it seems like Jesus is convicting me of not being a hypocrite.
this passage made me realize that i need to learn to forgive and forget people more.i know everyone makes mistakes and some of them you cant fix.jesus died on the cross for my sins and yours and still we sin aalot.he forgave us and holding a grudge twards anyone wont make any difference in anything...a least not in a good way .the least i can do is try to make peace with people who do me wrong and forgive to be more like my god.
Abraham.. lol
I not even fully fluent in everything, know that I being a husband, would absolutely not let anyone take my wife, I swore a vow to God that I would protect her, and not let harm come to her, and care for her, nomatter what..
to let some other man, even a king, take my wife, and do as he pleases, because I lied and pretended like it was okay, how can you do that?
Not only are you sinning, by lying, and not trusting God, you are pretty much saying, I love you my wife, but I don't want to die, surely you understand that.
I just don't get it.
In the Bible it commands Men, that it is okay to Die for your wife, and your children, infact, it says that it is better that a father lay down his life, for his child, than let the child come to harm.
I'm not sure if I remember anything about doing so for wives, but i'm pretty sure there is something..
Anyways, sorry about that. :)
Just saying how amazing stupid of a mistake Abraham made twice..
He was very fortunate that God loves him enough to intervene even when he follies.. with one of his greatest treasures on Earth (besides God).
I can't believe he didn't apologize to the king, for surely his deceipt, not only brought dishonor to his name, but also to the kings, and his wives, he should have begged infront of everyone present, and refused everything except enough to have food and shelter, and he should have confessed his sin to everyone, and apologized and asked if (HE) could do anything in the kings service, for room and food, and then did whatever he could to beg forgiviness of his wife, I couldn't imagine how she would feel, and in all of this, he should have prayed and prayed for forgivness to the Lord, and thanked him profusesly for sparing him shame, and pain and everything else.
But I would say, that I can understand that later on he did show his love, and his loyalty, by almost completely giving up his son... (which I hope his son was saved before he did that) but even if he was, that would be scary and hard.
I don't understand Abraham, but I do understand that you don't have to be a perfect unmistakeable Christian to be a Warrior of God, and to be graced by Gods mercy and love, you only have to be open to recieve it, and try your hardest, and show that God is above all.
I don't know, I think this is a very good passage, and if you really look deep, you can understand, how truely cruel we can be to ourselves and the ones we love, and God, when the situation really puts us in that place,
It also shows how amazing, and humble even kings who can get away with just about anything they want, and show mercy, even when I can imagine times of mercy would not be graced upon much of anyone,
It also shows, how amazing, God is, and how much the Holy spirit can really turn anyone, if you are patient and don't close up someones heart with angre and menace, so they can recieve the holy spirit, and really be confronted by their sins, etc etc.
I say, go GOD!
For once again showing everyone how much mercy you have, and how strong you are and how much you require us to learn from our mistakes, and teach us and mold us.
I would admit that I have hard times.. But I would also admit, that I couldn't IMAGINE living through this passage as Abraham, knowing the ending, I could say easily, PFFFHT, easy.. but if I didn't know the story, and had to live it from beggining to end, I would be scared to death to have to face those challenges, and tribulations..
But I say Go Abraham, for being patient and wise, and showing love over hate and anger.
(most fathers and I kid you not, almost any father I could imagine, would do anything at all to keep harm from their children, and I wouldn't say they would curse God and throw away everything they own, but I would say people have...
When it comes to their children, people have done imaginable things to keep them from harms way. I couldn't imagine the feelings..well wait, I could...
Because When Khalan was born, it was by Gods mercy that she made it, not mine, not the hospitals, not anyones but Gods..
And I didn't get angry at God, it wasn't his fault, I prayed, and pleaded, and told God that let his will be done, no matter how hard it is, just give me the strength to have understanding, and patience, and love.
I prayed for a lot more than that, but just from a father to child perspective.. I could tell you facing the possible death of your Child while it's in Gods hands, I could see how someone who doesn't fear God, could go down terrible paths that could ruin their salvation, or destroy everything they know and love.
but this was a happy story!
And God is the most powerful and mercifil being that I know.
I'm glad I live in times, that aren't like Abrahams :)
Lee! Good luck on your trip I'm praying for you.
Leeah Got home safely :)
Ok I cant Beleve Abraham said she was his sister again and im like Abrahm stupid stupid stupid why would youn say that but then i went on to read that she indeed was his SISTER AND I THINK THATS GROSS HALF SISTER OR NOT ITS STILL WEIRD!!!!!!!!But i love how God keeps reminding Abraham you will be the father of many nations and thats kinda what God does with us wehn we go to church or CAMP and the preacher gives this amzing message andyou say you know what im gonna really live for God and im gonna be the best i can be but then Satans temptation gets to us and we forget about it because the world brings us down and we need to go up not down and i think thats something i struggle with that im gonna be so good but then i go and do something else and if your reading this and saying well Jons calling me a hyprocrite and a fake IM NOT i do it to we just need to remeber that God is watching and if we put Gods things first then Gods doors will open and drown uis in blessings and thats not why we should do it but for the glory of God
Tonight's message and this passage really convicted me! There is something in particular that I specifically said I wouldn't do and I still did it. I am so thankful that God is a forgiving God! Wow, He is so good! Please pray that I will not be like Abraham, and repeat this sin again.
Also, this is totally off topic but there is a situation I can't avoid and I'm forced to listen to music that's not glorifying God. I would change the song, but it's not my car and the driver doesn't care about my opinion. Please pray for that situation, and that God will somehow change this persons heart.
I made up yesterdays and the 14th, 25th, and 29th.....
I can't believe that Abraram didn;t trust God and told everyone that Sarah was his sister. Just becaouse he didn;t want to die. That is pathetic...but who knows maybe we would do the same thing in that siuation. God is asking us to trust HIM in everything we do and that is what it all come down to!
This is a problem that I struggle with all the time. I'll go and commit a sin and be covicted and repent but then the very next day I do it again. It's just like getting busted for shoplifting at the mall and then going back to the same store to shoplift again. It just doesn't make sense. Also you can't just try to justify your sin. It doesn't matter what caused you to sin. It only matters that you sinned.
i think pleasing God every second of the day is the most important in life, just doing that you can become so much closer to God. Forgiving people is a key to acting like a good christian.Telling the truth unlike abraham is important too because not only is it the right thing to do but its the best for you and is also pleases God.
Pastor Lee, sorry i was not in youth group i hade open house and sorry im on here so late!
Sorry its late! i had homework and since i missed today at school have to study for tests for tomorrow.
Hmm, so what im going to say about this passage is also going to be a mixture of what we talked about tonight, so keep that in mind if it doesnt make sense.
Well its kind of funny how many of us are posting on how stupid Abraham was for committing the same sin twice, cause im pretty sure im not the only one who can admit to doing the same thing.
The best part is, we later see how God doesnt hold on to Abrahams sins, but focuses on the good, because he was always forgiven.
God is the most generous giver of second chances; I remember when i was younger thinking you could get away with whatever you wanted as long as you were saved.
Of course, now i realize, like what we talked about tonight, that those second chances are given out of love, and the corrections we should make in our lives and the choices we make should be likewise; out of love, for God.
In the end, Abraham really did love God when he obeyed the instruction to make the offering of his son.
I hope none of us ever have to do the same, but just as Abraham was willing to offer something so important to him, we should be more willing to offer ourselves and the things we do to bring glory and show love to our God.
ahhh forward motion in faith is more difficult than it sounds. So God is a wonderfully merciful God isnt he? I has anybody heard that song on the radio It's pretty new but it
"Give me your eyes for just one second
Give me your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing
Give me your love for humanity
Give me your arms for the broken hearted
Wasnt it far beyond my reach?
Give me your heart for the once forgotten
Give me your eyes so I can see"
For whatever reason it just made me think what if we all displayed the characteristics present in Jesus all the time. Or at least as many as we possibly can. Don't you think if we were as merciful or as kind or compassionate towards other then we could make a huge difference. Anyway a little sidetrack.
So Abraham tries to give away his sister and Abimelech says wait wait this isnt right. Abimelech almost held Abraham accountable here. He says nope wont take her It's wrong, reminds Abraham and gives her back. Then God is merciful on all and makes Abimelechs family fertile. Happy ending woohoo!
Except that Abraham will have to commit to not making the same mistake again like we all must do. It seems that the same sins get the best of us usually. So when will we make the decision to say "no, not anymore."
Yeah, this is a good lesson, we repent of our sins because we feel bad and its the right thing to do, but we turn around and do the same sin again. Its like we repent, to repent, not to apologize for our sin and work on not repeating the offense. I've done this time and time again and I ask myself why I repent if I know Im just gonna do it again. I realized that I have to put effort into my actions and think before I act, realizing that God is watching me and it is deliberate disobedience and disrespect.
wow i think this passage was really good. something i trouble with all the time is what this passage is talking about. ill sin then ask for forgiveness and then ill do it again. i can believe that Abraham would sin again and tell the kings that his wife was his sister but i just dont know why he would want to. we need not justify our sin just admit that it was wrong and dont do it again dont make up an excuse of why you did it.
Hi my name is mike!
:) this passage is saying that if you sin you should always ask for forgiveness. :)
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