TUESDAY, August 12th, 2008

Hey Everyone! Have you been watching the Olympics? Tonight will be really cool! Michael Phelps will probably break the record for the most gold medals ever won by any Olympian!! That is pretty cool! Make sure you watch that tonight!! (After you do your devotions)

A Few Thoughts From Yesterday:
Michael: You are exactly right! Satan is more than happy to help us run away from God!
Hey Rachel: I am sure you meant to type Jonah, so I wont give you a hard time for typing Jonas :)
Bethany: I am glad you are faithful on here! Running from God is NOT the answer! Those are some Wise Words!
Kacey: You are right as well... things don't happen by chance, everything is sovereignly controlled by God.
Tricia: Thank you! Thanks for being so thorough in your description of the passage! You showed me some things that I did not think of! Good Work!
Amanda: I am glad that you are on here! Be Faithful! Every Christian, Especially New Christians, must spend time with God every day!
Mallory: Thanks for the video... BUT WHERE ARE YOUR DEVOS??
Ryan: Yes! We will probably change our mind whenever the consequences of our sin come our way, so we might as well do what is right in the first place!
Jonathan Massey: Great Job! What happened to "before 11:00am" ?? :) Call me today! We need to hang out sometime this week!
Josh LaPerriere, Leff LePerriere, Cary Grimmett, Tyler King, Jessica Massey, Phillip Carpenter, Jill Lockhart, Josh Sandefur, Alex Beals, David Deller, Lucy, Jessica B., Gabi, ?????? WHERE ARE YOU GUYS?????? DO YOUR DEVOTIONS!!!! . com

Jonah 1:11-17

11 Then they said to him, “What shall we do to you that the sea may be calm for us?”—for the sea was growing more tempestuous.
12 And he said to them, “Pick me up and throw me into the sea; then the sea will become calm for you. For I know that this great tempest is because of me.”
13 Nevertheless the men rowed hard to return to land, but they could not, for the sea continued to grow more tempestuous against them.
14 Therefore they cried out to the LORD and said, “We pray, O LORD, please do not let us perish for this man’s life, and do not charge us with innocent blood; for You, O LORD, have done as it pleased You.”
15 So they picked up Jonah and threw him into the sea, and the sea ceased from its raging.
16 Then the men feared the LORD exceedingly, and offered a sacrifice to the LORD and took vows.
17 Now the LORD had prepared a great fish to swallow Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights.

What a great story. I think this story shows us better than any other story how the consequences of our sin will influence so many lives around us. Have you ever heard the famous saying: "No man lives unto himself and no man dies unto himself"? That means that everything we do will effect the lives of other people around us. Here is an example...

If I were to fall into deep sin and it resulted in me not being the youth pastor of Suncoast Youth Group anymore, then My sin would effect the lives of many of you. One bad decision on my part has the potential to destroy many other lives spiritually.

In the same way, Jonah sinned against God and whenever the sea began to rage, Jonah put all of those mariners lives at risk.

If you live in sin, you could be putting the spiritual lives of those around you at risk... I know of some people right now in our youth group that are influencing each other, and the decisions that you are each making could be potentially destroying the spiritual life of many around you.

Live for God! For His Glory, but also don't forget that you should live for God to be an example for those around you! A Man sharpeneth the countenance of His friend, and it could just as well be said that a man dulleth the countenance of His friend, Don't let your poor decisions hurt the lives of the people around you!!!!!

I think it is wonderful how we see the sea instantly calm whenever Jonah is thrown into the sea! I remember watching the Jonah Veggie Tales movie and I thought the funniest part was whenever they threw Jonah into the water, because the waves instantly were so calm there wasnt even a ripple. And you see Jonah sitting there in the water with a flotation device, just a few yards from the boat, with NO WAVES AT ALL...

That is such a great picture of the power of God... God was not willing to harm the men on the boat, but Had Jonah not done what was right, by jumping out of the boat, I believe that the lives of those men could have been lost... instead Jonah jumped out of the boat, and the men "feared God" and offered a sacrifice to those men.

God makes all things work together for Good! I believe that pne day we may see those men in Heaven!

I must live for God so that I do not draw other people away from God!


Anonymous said...

this is a very cool passage. first jonah hid from god but then hetold the sailors to throw him overboard because he new the storm was his fault. i think jonah was finally smart enough to listen to God. i gtg. see ya. :)

Kacey! said...

It's true how someone's wrong choice can effect another person's life, for good or bad. In my case, there is someone who was on the right track, and on fire for God, and excited to be growing closer to Him. Now, this person is deep into sin! This person is focusing on worldly things and not on God. Because of this person's wrong doing, I am motivated to stay on the right track! I see how horrible life can be without God on my side, and I never want to be in that position!

Amy :) said...

I guess Jonah was not thinking very well at this time because he was running away from God and that is never a good idea because He always knows where u r and what u r doin. I like how God makes this story so interesting by making the sailors throw him off the boat and a big fish came and swallowed him up. That would be pretty gross to have to live in a big fishes stomach for a while! Probably at this time while in the fish, Jonah realized that God sent him to do great things in the city of Nenevah and to tell them the gospel, and that God had a purpose for Jonah's life!

Aznricerunr[PN] said...

Wow is saw that last night Michael Phelps saves his energy till the last turn then turns it up and kills everyone. I'm starting to think hes have dolphin lol! But Pastor Lee you need to answer your phone once in a while I tried calling you last night but I guess your phone is broken. Can you please bring my charger I left at your house to church Wednesday.

So I guess the men are out in the sea and the waves become fierce and Johan tells them to throw him in the water and the waves will stop! The men pray to God and ask him not to not punish them for killing him and to save his life. They threw Jonah in the water and GOD made a whale swallow Jonah so he could live how cool. Thats pretty cool how the lord can save us by the weirdest ways! Jonah stayed in the belly of the whale for three days and three nights. i cant imagine what it smelled like in there but its better than being killed. God can answer our prayers but he cant answer them unless we ask him.

Anonymous said...

Pastor Lee I know I've been gone a long time but that is because when I came back from camp you guys left for the wilds and you didn't post passages all week and thursday that week I left for my cruise and came back yesterday!
So this passage is telling the story of the storm in the sea when Jonah got in the water the storm stopped and he got swallowed by a fish.
It is amazing how you can do something and it can effect many people around you, I mean if Jonah woundn't have gotten into the water all the guys could die.
Okay well I got to go I will be on here at tomorrow I guess and i will see you all at church!
Peace homies!;)

Anonymous said...

Pastor Lee, I was just thinking about that veggie tails movie about Jonah yesterday! That was my favorite veggie tails episode.

What I don't understand about Jonah is he knew he was runnin' from God and yet he still continued to run! He should have repented right there on the spot.

Bethany B. said...

This is really an amazing passage. I love the story of Jonah its my favorite.Especially when we take it into a greater depth!

Tylermon33 said...

this starts out by jonah chosing not to listen to God and because of that when He was on the boat a really bad storm came and it could have taken everyones life if jonah had not told the men on the boat that it was his fault for the storm because he didn't listen to God. so he told the men to throw him overboard and the storm would stop. so the men throuth jonah overboard and the storm calmed down and everyone was safe. when jonah was in the water after he was thrown overboard a large fish (probably a whale) came and swallowed jonah and he was in the fish for 3 days and 3 nights. it is so true though, that if we don't listen to God then He will punish us and the people around us may be affected also. so we need to try to listen to God all the time but it is hard sometimes when we are with our friends or alone in our house, but we still need to try.

Anonymous said...

pastor Lee Jessica Beals and Alex's internet is down so she might not be on for a while!

Rachel☺; said...

yeah yeah,
you knew what i meant.
that was early in the morning for me! lol
i wasnt on earlier because i havent been home today accept for now. Was doing useful things so dont be mad. (:
Well JonaH was the bad apple that spoiled the barrel in this case and it makes me wonder if im ever like that. Lately ive been trying to see others before myself and this passage is a different take on the concept.
I know that i personally am constantly watching others around me for what is going on and i like to see how people act beyond a firt impression. Im guessing other people do the same.
Ive watched leaders bring followers away from God and often and just as they are leaders of something, we probably have people following us too.
Being separate from God is probably the worst status to have and a lot of the things we do that separate ourselves, others take part in or are affected by too.
So, to keep others close to God along with myself, i shouldnt run away from, but follow Him so that the people following me end up with Him as well.

Amanda said...

I have people around me every single day that do bad things and it effects me a lot. but i know i have God on my side and he will be there encouraging me to do the right thing. and I have so many people that i met at the Wilds that text and call me every day to tell me to talk to God... that he will fix all of my problems.

Jonah did do the right thing by not hurting the others around him..and he jumped into the ocean. As soon as that was done, everything was still. The people on the boat feared the Lord...but at that point they should have realized not to... because he only wants you to listen to him, then he will help you with the rest.

Mallory B (basketball team) said...

Hey Pastor Lee sorry I didn't do my devotions yesterday I was going to go on later that day and do them but I wasted my time and didn't:( So I did them today!!!

yesterdays!====== so Jonah got on the ship trying to run from God who had wanted Jonah to go to Nineveh and tell the people about Him. So the sailors cast lots to find out who's fault it was for the storm. Jonah had lost and they knew it was him. I think this is a very interesting story and many lessons can be learned from it! Like obeying God the very first time He asks you to do something, that is one of the main points to me and trusting Him to do things you might think are not going to work out, but if He tells you to do something, you should because He has a plan for your life and it will work out right if you do it the 1st time you are asked! This passage was confusing for me at first but after reading the verses over and over a few times I was finally able to understand and I think its very interesting!!!

Today!======= Here we find Jonah finally realizing that the storm is his fault and he needs to be thrown into the water so that the ocean will be calm. After he is thrown in by the other sailors the water immediately goes calm which I think is amazing and awesome! To have seen the water go calm would have made my mouth drop because God had stilled the water!!! this is an amazing passage and I cant wait to read more tomorrow!

RYAN said...

I think this pasage is pretty great it is mind blowing to know that Jonah was willing to get thrown over board because he new he had done wrong. most of the people back then couldnt swim so he new that he could have died but god prepaethe giant fish for him to be in the belly of so then he wouldnt die. i think if i was Jonah when i made it out of the giant fish i would go do wha god told me to do as fast as i could.

Anonymous said...

Ok so Jonah sees that theres a strom and there gonna die but Jonah says well i think its time for me to jump out of the boat and i think that Jonah showed and amazing amount of courage because who would jump out of a boat to save other people then Jonah got swallowed by a great fish and this tells me that the storm was rough and if you jump into a storm your gonna end up somewhere bad like in the belly of a fish.SO DONT EAT SEA FOOD MUH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA.
And i dont know how to put stuff on the prayer blog so please pray for Jessica for unannounced reasons.

Rachel☺; said...

PASTOR LEE im early for a change (wednesday), earlier than you :P

aicirt said...

I saw in this passage how the sailors all called upon their own gods, but when they saw the power of The Almighty God they feared Him and made sacrifices unto Him. God is so powerful and if we disobey Him, He may use His power to show us who is boss and bring us back to Him.

Im glad God chases us when we run and makes us turn around and run right back into His arms.

Anonymous said...

man he put all those people at risk!

what we do really DOES affect other people...good & bad!

It's like that verse in proverbs 13:20...

thatd b crazy livein in a fish 4 3days...i gag at the smell let alone b stuck in1=[

weird high school kid said...

Oh whoops guess I was wrong on Monday so apparently they threw jonah off today. Don't you think its kinda funny how the sailors told everyone to pray to all their gods, meaning that they didn't believe in god, and now they are convicted.

new lessons for today THE SAME AS YESTERDAY!!!

Buffalo Wild Wings Reward Activity!! Thanks for being faithful!

Stay Faithful and Join us Next Time!