FRIDAY, August 15th, 2008

Hey Everyone! I am so excited that so many of you are involved in the devotional blog this time! Great Job! Stay Faithful until the End!

Tonight we are going to have a Party!! We will be watching "Jonah: The Veggietales Story" and then we will be playing some Sardines and having a "Good Ol' Time"!!! :)

Be There at 6:00PM and Bring $2.00 for Pizza!! Feel free to bring a friend if you wish! It will be GREAT!

A Few Thoughts From Yesterday:
Lucy: Ha!!!! You are so funny!! "Thay put sacks on their head!!!" You make me smile!!
Jake: I hope you can come tonight!!! gtg. see ya. :)
Kacey: I have to say the same thing: If God wasn't a God of second chances, then I do not know where I would be today!!
Brooke: I am proud of you for doing that!!! Use your influence on those Freshmen for God's Glory!
Amy and Tricia: Hurry and get here when you can!! We will eat first, so you probably will get here in the middle of the movie!! :)
Bethany: I hope that Emily comes tonight! :)
Tyler: Sorry Man! I wish that we could have cheeseburgers too, but everyone else wanted pizza!
Jessica M: I fo sho am glad dat u r comin :)
Jon: Ha! Why not get fatter?? You are crazy!
Jeff: If you really want too, then yes, you can bring noodles, but the pizza will taste MUCH better!
Ryan: Glad you are on here man!!!
David: Yes, you got it right!! Good Job! Are you coming tonight?
Mallory: ...cheeseburgers are good to...


Jonah 4:

1 But it displeased Jonah exceedingly, and he became angry.
2 So he prayed to the LORD, and said, “Ah, LORD, was not this what I said when I was still in my country? Therefore I fled previously to Tarshish; for I know that You are a gracious and merciful God, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness, One who relents from doing harm.
3 Therefore now, O LORD, please take my life from me, for it is better for me to die than to live!”
4 Then the LORD said, “Is it right for you to be angry?”
5 So Jonah went out of the city and sat on the east side of the city. There he made himself a shelter and sat under it in the shade, till he might see what would become of the city.
6 And the LORD God prepared a plant and made it come up over Jonah, that it might be shade for his head to deliver him from his misery. So Jonah was very grateful for the plant.
7 But as morning dawned the next day God prepared a worm, and it so damaged the plant that it withered.
8 And it happened, when the sun arose, that God prepared a vehement east wind; and the sun beat on Jonah’s head, so that he grew faint. Then he wished death for himself, and said, “It is better for me to die than to live.”
9 Then God said to Jonah, "Is it right for you to be angry about the plant?" And he said, "It is right for me to be angry, even to death!"
10 But the LORD said, “You have had pity on the plant for which you have not labored, nor made it grow, which came up in a night and perished in a night.
11 And should I not pity Nineveh, that great city, in which are more than one hundred and twenty thousand persons who cannot discern between their right hand and their left—and much livestock?”

Wow! Wow! Wow! Can you believe this! One would expect the last chapter to talk about how the people of Nineveh repented, and Jonah was so happy and He went back home and worshipped God unto the end of His days... However, that is not the case.

Jonah is guilty of something that we are often guilty of QUITE OFTEN!

Jonah walked through the city telling them that God was going to destroy them, and they repented, so God decided not to destroy them because of their change of heart, but Jonah did not like that...

Jonah was excited about seeing the judgment of God poured out all over that city... so when God said that He would spare Nineveh, Jonah was not happy, in fact verse one tells us that Jonah became ANGRY.

Jonah tells God in verses 1 and 2: God I did what you said, I went and told them, and I knew that you would never hold up your side of the deal... I knew that you would never destroy Nineveh... so just kill me!!!!!

I don't know about you, but If I were God, I would not have hesitated... If He said to kill Him, I would have just done it... But God is gracious and merciful... Wait!!! Isn't that the reason why Jonah wants to die in the first place!! UNBELIEVABLE!!

Jonah begins to whine and whine and whine and He is so overly dramatic!!!!

Literally, Jonah goes on top of a mountain to watch the city and wait for God to destroy it while He pouts.

God decides to teach him a lesson instead... Jonah is sitting there in the sun, so God grows a plant that provides shade for Jonah, but the next day, God sends a worm to destroy the shade... Jonah whines about that too... Then God says why do you have more mercy on that plant than on the 120,000 people in the city of Nineveh??

That is a wonderful point! So many times, I want to see God's judgment on other people, but I want Him to forgive me for my sin. Some times I even question whether or not God is fair whenever He forgives someone who is very mean to me, but I forget the fact that He has forgiven me of the same thing!! This is a wonderful picture of how bitterness will destroy your life.

Jonah, a man who had been forgiven greatly, had already forgotten about God's mercy on his life, and He simply wanted the entertainment of seeing the Nation of Nineveh destroyed!

We must not be happy whenever God pours his judgement on people... we must wish for mercy, so that they may repent!!!

See you tonight!


Anonymous said...

Sometimes it is a good feeling to watch the kid who bullied you to go through God's judgement and wrath. But is it not even a better feeling to see that bully turn to God and ask for forgiveness. That way the bully can feel the same joy you are feeling now. That joy is God's grace. Like Pastor Lee said we have all done it before.

aicirt said...

Jonah bothers me! He didn't go to Ninevah cause he knew God would spare the destruction, then He told Ninevah that in 40 days they would be destroyed and was angry that his prediction would not come true. He sat on the mountain and threw a fit trying to get God to destroy them like Jonah had told them would happen.

Woa is me, poor Jonah, God doesn't do anything I want, He won't kill me, He won't destroy Ninevah and now Im a false prophet.

Its hard to see someone who deserves judgement be given mercy.

Anonymous said...

i have the same problem jonah has. i get mad over stupid stuff. jonah got mad because a plant withered and he didn't even make the plant!! (who does that?) i am comming tonight pastor lee!!! gtg. see ya.

Gaby said...

haha this passage makes me laugh at how self-centered Jonah is. He's like all mad because god showed mercy instead of destroying them. Jonah should have realized that god showed him mercy n thats why he's still alive so the fact that hes all mad is really stupid.
then god makes him a plant to help him n then destroys it to show jonah how he's wrong n jonah still refuses to admit it.

this passage reminds me that i need to work on stubborness and that im not always right. God will show you and insted of ignoring it you should accept his advice,,he is god lol

Kacey! said...

Reading about Jonah, I'm thinking that he is pretty ridiculous, but when I thought about it some more I realized that I act the same way. For example, when I'm babysitting and my brothers are being brats, I call my dad and he says that if they don't do their chores by the time he gets home, they will get a spanking. But if they do, then their off the hook. Often times, they don't get a spanking. That makes me so mad! But thinking back when I got babysat, my dad set the same rule.

We shouldn't get mad at people for getting Gods mercy and grace.

Bethany B. said...

Once again this passage is great because it teaches me so much! I love how God just clearly shows his awesome and perfect judgement to Jonah. Its like God is saying " I know whats best." God had his perfect plan through Jonah to show the world. Jonah is ridiculous complaining over silly stuff.He was waiting for God to destroy them but instead God showed mercy on them.He is forgiving.

Mallory B (basketball team) said...

WOW! this passage made me think about several people I know who act like this sometimes and don't even realize it, but a lot of times that person is us! In this passage Jonah is kind of given a 2nd chance again with his anger but both times in this he gets mad and whines and complains about stupid things. The 1st time Jonah gets angry is when he tells God he didn't keep his side of the deal when Nineveh's people repented and God did not destroy them because of their change of heart. The 2nd time he gets angry and complains is when the plant God put near Jonah for shade got damaged by the worm, and then the sun came down on Jonahs head. Jonah got forgiveness from God many times throughout this story but didnt like other people given mercy instead of judgement. we shouldnt get angry with others because of this...I hope this makes sense because I started to confuse myself reading and writing this! lol

I will see yall 2nite! CANT WAIT TO EAT PIZZA! WooHoo! Yes!!!

weird high school kid said...

Wow what a jerk jonah is, he rather see that city deystroyed than to see the people of that city to prosper and be happy, and in all truth none of us have the right to be angry since well we shouldn't o.k.. Anger leads to many things most of them sinfull since none of us can keep a cool head while we are angry.

Lessons to learn

1 don't slack on your devotions like i did

2 don't get mad get glad being mad/angry is a bad thing

3 don't seek others destruction, but instead seek their prosperity and happiness

Aznricerunr[PN] said...

Hey pastor lee tonight was fun and I liked the movie!

After Jonah was saved by the whale he said lord please take my life away from me because I would rather be died than in this whale! He sat down and was given shade from a plant that God provided and God sent out a worm which is cool cause in the movie there was a worm lol but the worm ate the plant and Jonah got mad to the point were he wanted to die! God said to him why should he want to kill himself! it was a plant that you didnt even create why r you getting mad over it? Jonah was mad at God because he did not kill all those people but they were making the right decision and they repented to God!

Anonymous said...

Hey Lee It's Andrew from Australia haha. God bless your ministry.

Anonymous said...

Usually people should be happy when someone realizes they've done something wrong and changes their ways, but for Jonah getting the people to change their heart was doing what God told Him to do just because He told Him to do it. I think secretly Jonah didn't care at all for the people and was just waiting until He told everyone about God so they could get wiped out by God.

Anonymous said...

Usually people should be happy when someone realizes they've done something wrong and changes their ways, but for Jonah getting the people to change their heart was doing what God told Him to do just because He told Him to do it. I think secretly Jonah didn't care at all for the people and was just waiting until He told everyone about God so they could get wiped out by God.

Anonymous said...

sorry I pressed the button twice

Tylermon33 said...

this starts out when jonah is very angry because the city he wants destroyed, God has mercy on them because they changed their ways (what a dumb reason to be angry). then he just goes and sits on a place where he can see the city and hopes that God will destroy it and in the process God gives him a plant to give him shade. the next day God also sends a worm to eat that plant and take away the shade. then God says why do you show mercy on that plant but you don't show mercy on over 100,000 people. thats amazing how fast jonah forgot how God showed mercy on him the whole trip but he is mad when He shows mercy on other people. we should be thankful when God shows mercy on other people because that means He is forgiving them and i would want God to treat me as He treats others, like forgiving me, and we shouldn't be mad when God forgives other because i would want God to forgive me.

Anonymous said...

Ok so this passage is funny he is mad because God didnt burbn down a city and God says is this right for you to be angry and basically God is saying wat the heck ur and because of a dumb reason and later God says Is it right for you to be mad at a plant is it right for you to be mad to death.Because in the bible cough cough somewhere it says that we need to take of ourselves and respect our bodys and obviously that wouldnt be doing that.
Had great time watching the most "AMAZING" Ever!:)

Kacey! said...

I just found out that I won't be at church on Sunday because my dad, Heather, and I are going out of town. And hopefully his laptop will contect to the internet so I can still come on here, because last time his laptop was being stupid.

And tonight was fun, (: And no matter what anyone says, that was a good movie! :D

weird high school kid said...

mondays devotions done! 1 down three to go.

Anonymous said...

(English Accent)Someone please pick up these BLOODY Pizza's im sick of them being at my house!!!!!!

Jessica M said...

>>>>Jonah allowed even a silly thing like a plant to become an idol..that IS silly! lol
Just like in the "GREAT" :) movie tonight we see that God’s mercy and compassion still works with Jonah, teaching him and guiding him to God’s will. I think that one reason why Jonah was so fearful and fled from the call of God was not because HE didn't trust God that it would work, but that he feared it WOULD work...and very well. I learned that God's ways are ALWAYS right even when we don't understand them.

weird high school kid said...

teusday is now finished! only got wednesday and thursday left to do since I was personal cumputerly challenged this whole week.

weird high school kid said...

And now with Wednesday done all I have left to do is thursday. Arrgh this is taking forever, but oh well I get to read gods word and learn and laugh of and at jonah.

weird high school kid said...

And finally Thursday is done for a full mid-weeks worth of devotions. I hope that my computer will be working and I will be able to do my devotions with ease. Oh well TTYL I am going to bed.


RYAN said...

Wow Jonah is crazy i would have much rather seen God save all those peopleinstead of killing them all. by sending Jonah to the city God accomplished great things he got the whole city to repent and spared them from getting over thrown. i dont understand why Jonah would be so angry that he would rather die.

Amanda said...

Time to catch up on devotions. :]

Sorry I havent been on lately...but i have been doing devotions of my own...and I have been learning a lot!

Jonah knew what he had to do, and he really did do the right thing. After he prayed and asked God to forgive him of his sins..God did forgive he does all of us. And he made the whale throw upJonah. No matter what we do..Gos is first in out lives and we need to ask for forgiveness for all of our sins (as you explained)

Jonah was given a second chance, and we get second chances too. We just need to ask for his forgiveness. I really don't think I could go back to like without Jesus Christ in it. He is amazing,... and now my life is amazing. :]

Jonah was being very immature about the situations. Yet God showed mercy. I know I get upset probably everyday at silly stuff especially when it doesnt go the way i want it to. I need to learn not to be so selfish. :]

okay.. im caught up on my devotions.. now its almost 3 in the morning and last night i didnt go to sleep until 6:30 in the morning. I NEED SLEEP :]]

Goodnight everybody!!! <3 :]

Rachel☺; said...

Welll, instead of talking how rediculous Jonah is here, im going to talk about myself lol.
Honestly, I am a lot like Jonah.
I like everything to be dealt like it should; good or bad,, that is, until the time comes for me. Everyone wants mercy for themselves, but has a harder time dealing it to others.
I sometimes let my strong opinions get in the way of compassion for other people and forget how much compassion God had for me!!!
Ive noticed that lately and i think im getting better (:

Anonymous said...

that's a bit messed up...he wants 2 c nineva destroyed 4 the same things hes done & 4 God 2 continue 2 4give him!?!?

that's a lil wack of him...he shoulda been EXTRODINARALY HAPPY 2 c that that awful city repented & was givin another chance!

but instead he wants 2 die cuz God spared them insteada destoy them...

ummm all i know is that im HAPPY when God 4gives & spares us all when we do thankful 4 that 2nd chance...& the 3rd 4th 5th & every time im 4givin! how bout u!?

I know our god is an awesome & just God, he'll do what he thinks fair 2 each individual...its not up 2 us how God will punish others

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amy :) said...

The people of Ninevah seem kinda dumb at this point!!(v.11)... All Jonah wanted to see was to watch Ninevah to be destroyed and then just walk back because he was (to himself) dieing of heat exhustion and he's about to faint and wanted to die. Thats ridiculous that Jonah would want that, because God sent Jonah to Ninevah to tell the people about the Gospel and... First he runs away from God, Second he complains about the situation he is in, and Thirdly he wishes he would die!! He should have been grateful that God didnt like strike him with lighting or something! Unlike Jonah we need to be grateful for the stuff we have and praise God in all we do.

Buffalo Wild Wings Reward Activity!! Thanks for being faithful!

Stay Faithful and Join us Next Time!