THURSDAY, May 8th, 2008

Hey everyone! Thanks for coming last night! We had almost 40 teenagers in youth group! Think about it, If we would have had Cary, Tyler, Jill, Kacey, Kervin, Marvin, Ashley, Cheyanne, Tres, Scott, and Courtney then we would have had 50 teenagers in youth group last night! Lets be faithful! Lets hit the 50 mark before July. Can you do it?

A Few Thoughts From Yesterday:
Jill: Where did you get a job?
Tyler: We missed you in church! Next time you need a free physical, DONT SKIP CHURCH! I will pay for it if I have to. AND BESIDES, you said you were done at 6:45, well the YMCA is 20 minutes from church, and YOU WOULD HAVE ONLY BEEN 5 MINUTES LATE! We would have been over 40 if you were here. :(... Love You! :)
Gaby: AP EXAM... Woo Hoo... Are'nt we smart. We will pray for you!
Jon: You are the Man! Thanks for the youth group name: you were the only teen to come up with a youth group name. Although we wont use it, I appreciate it! :)
Kacey: Come to church! We miss You! I would have picked you up!

Philippians 2:19-30

19 But I trust in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you shortly, that I also may be encouraged when I know your state.
20 For I have no one like-minded, who will sincerely care for your state.
21 For all seek their own, not the things which are of Christ Jesus.
22 But you know his proven character, that as a son with his father he served with me in the gospel.
23 Therefore I hope to send him at once, as soon as I see how it goes with me.
24 But I trust in the Lord that I myself shall also come shortly.
25 Yet I considered it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus, my brother, fellow worker, and fellow soldier, but your messenger and the one who ministered to my need;
26 since he was longing for you all, and was distressed because you had heard that he was sick.
27 For indeed he was sick almost unto death; but God had mercy on him, and not only on him but on me also, lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow.
28 Therefore I sent him the more eagerly, that when you see him again you may rejoice, and I may be less sorrowful.
29 Receive him therefore in the Lord with all gladness, and hold such men in esteem;
30 because for the work of Christ he came close to death, not regarding his life, to supply what was lacking in your service toward me.

Ok, so this passage talks about two men, Timothy and Ephroditus, I think it is amazing to see the value that Paul has on placing good, Godly men around him in his life. It is clear that Paul had a great relationship with these two men. What kind of people do you have around you? What kind of people are in your life influencing you? Godly friends are hard to find, as Paul explains in verse 21, when he said, I have no man, because ALL SEEK THEIR OWN. In other words, they are all living for themselves, instead of living for God. Paul influenced Timothy as we see in verse 22. So my question is, Who are you sharpening? Who are you positively influencing? And Ephroditus was a FELLOW worker, and a FELLOW servant. In other words Paul looked at Him as if they were side by side going into battle for the Gospel. Who do you have in your life by your side that you can grow spiritually with and hold each other accountable? AND LIFT each other up, when they fall. WE MUST HAVE GODLY FRIENDS IN OUR LIFE! Who are yours?


Rachel☺; said...

first for the first :]

well, i think about this subject a lot. Honestly, i dont dont have many friends i get too close to, [for like 8327465 reasons] and those that i do arent necessarily good or bad infuences. According to what Paul had said, it was then and is probably moreso even now, hard to find those really focused on God and uplifting friends. I have one friend who used to be someone to share and grow with but lately she tampers with the wrong things and makes really big mistakes. She feels conviction afterwards and only really consults me anymore to make her feel better and tell her im still praying :/ Anyway, sincet here are obviously more bad influences in the world than good, its fair to say that we all know more people who could bring us down rather than pull us up. It is so much more ethical and definately worth it to find that good type of friend so that you can continue growing without the hindrance of influence that could pull you away.
On the other hand, in a different perspective, are you one of those people thers see as a good influence and a true Christian? If we say its so hard to find friends that are good, Godly influences, if we took it personally to be one ourselves, there would be more, right?
Application here; to find and be those friends that lift others up and are good examples for God.

Amy :) said...

We need to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and never doubt He will answer our prayers. Jesus gave His life for us we need to give our lives to Christ and trust Him with everything. The kids I hang around are mostly godly because I go to a Christian school and most of them act godly and are Christians They all have a great testimony about there lives. In the beginning of the year we did testimonies with everybody and I got to hear some of my classmates testimonies about how they got saved and how they are trusting the Lord for college for wisdom and strength daily. Whatever God decides in your life you need to take it. God has plans for you in the future and you just need to be trusting toward Christ that He can work and you can trust. Whenever my friends are low or having a bad day I get to them and I ask questions like " Whats wrong" or "What happend" and I comfort them through the situation I tell them just trust God.

McCue said...

sigh. I have a few really great friends and God continues to show me Godly people who guide me in the right direction. I feel often times I try to strengthen relationships through Christ with friends of mine. But all to often I feel less than 100 percent committed like Pastor Lee mentioned last night. The most godly person I had to hold me accountable and I her, removed herself from my life. At one point she seemed in Love with God. I can't read peoples hearts but this person doesn't talk to me anymore or go to church anymore for that matter. Not that church is our relationship with God but it certainly builds it. Anyway, pray for me, although I have some really great people who I look out for and they me in turn I still feel pretty shaken up(down too) because of a person who left me high and dry.
Rachel I got your back girl. I'll be praying God shows you a truly wonderful girlfriend that you can bond with. Or that your friend would come back to Christ.

FoOtBaLl XtReMiSt (cary) said...

This passage is saying that we need to show christ in our relationships with friends, better yet, anybody. i have about 3 or 4 friends that i am REALLY close to. but some people i can just say "hi" to without them looking at me weird. and some of those people arent so godly. CHOOSE YOUR FRIENDS WISELY! so old... but soo true. this is a short devo. but i got my point across :)

PASTOR LEE!!! GUESS WHAT!!! (and anyone else who bothers to read this) we have our first football scrimmage tomorrow at lemon bay!


Anonymous said...

I dont really understand this passage but im gonna try to do it based off what pastor lee said.Its hard to choice godly friends and i know that for a fact its so hard to find godly friends and who are we sharperning meaning what are you influenceing God or Worldly things and when your with "ungodly people" its hard to shine the light of Jesus Christ.
Jonathan Massey

Tylermon33 said...

what i got from this was that Paul had two very good friends Ephroditus and Timothy and they were very good Godly men. we should have good Godly friends in our life that show God in the way they act, talk, and look not just saying that they are Godly Christians. we need to choose our friends wisely.

Jessica M said...

We have heard that friendship is one of the richest treasures of life. It truly is. My best friend is Darcy Shepard and she is the best because we are both great influences on each other in the right way.
Here Paul talks about to men Timothy and Ephroditus. We all need people by our side that are going to be a right influence and are going to hold us accountable. Not much to say!!! Sry hopefully I will tomorrow! Peace out


Rachel☺; said...

hey i know this is kinda like out of the blue but pleaseee pray for my friends erica and elizabeth, its kinda important.
thanks! <33

CCM said...

Prov 13:20 He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.
I have found it very helpful in my Christian walk to HAVE a mentor and also BE a mentor to a fellow brother. Many of you guys(girls) are skilled in the WORD and can be a great help to someone newly saved. I have found when I am discipling someone, I am challenged to examine my behavior and make sure that I don't cause them to stumble in their faith. Also, when they ask me a question and I don't have a good answer, I am led to dig deeper and learn along with them. It's really cool!
This passage challenges me to be a"Timothy" or "Epaphroditus". I want to be likeminded with the spiritual leaders of our church and be a man the church can count on!
In Christ, CCM

Aznricerunr[PN] said...

At first i didnt understand the passage but after reading pastor lees it is saying that you should be surround by people that influence you to make good choices. For example if you start hanging out at the skate park everyday and skaters you might start skating. If you hangout with kids that our always making bad decsions you are bound to do the same. As christians we need to have a lot of christian friends and be influenced by them. If you dont have any christian friends come to youth group theres plenty of them there!

HADOKEN!!! said...

This passage tells us to get people to stop living for themselves and to live for Christ. I bet it was hard for Paul to do this as well because you might just get shot down. But all you have to do is move on to the next person and keep on trying.

Anonymous said...

OOO! I totally understood that!=]
Godly friends ARE really hard to find=[
This reminds me of the 1 passage u talk bout all the time pastor lee
idk what the book is or verse but "he who travels w/a companion of fools shall be foolish..."idr how it goes but i know what itz about=]

ive cut out ALOT of my old friends because they werent good for me=[

but i "sharpen" Bambi(ashley)
& Amanda & I "sharpen" eachother=]

ive made WAY better decisions in friends & who i let influence me=]

Buffalo Wild Wings Reward Activity!! Thanks for being faithful!

Stay Faithful and Join us Next Time!