MONDAY, May 5th, 2008

Hey Everyone! Lets have a great week of devos! Stay faithful each day and lets try to add another detail to our devos. Here is what we do in the Word of Life books, and I think it is very effective. We do two things, 1. What does this passage mean? (what is the writer saying?) 2. How does this apply to my life. Just answer those two things. It is easy to get lazy with the devos and just write a sentance or two about what the passage is saying, but the point of devos it to apply the word of God to our life! Lets try it out!

A Few Thoughts From Yesterday:
Jill, Kasey, Jessica, Tyler, Alex, David, anyone else who is missing, and Jeff: We missed you in church yesterday!!! BE FAITHFUL! it is important!
Gaby: I am glad your face is not all sliced up. That is how I understood it to be.
Jon Massey: If me falling into the baptistry made your day "a great day", then it was worth it!

Phillippians 1:27-30
27 Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of your affairs, that you stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel,
28 and not in any way terrified by your adversaries, which is to them a proof of perdition, but to you of salvation, and that from God.
29 For to you it has been granted on behalf of Christ, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake,
30 having the same conflict which you saw in me and now hear is in me.

What is the passage saying:
1. Let your conduct be WORTHY of the gospel of Christ. There is a song I use to sing at the Wilds called "Walk Worthy of the Lord". We as Christians arae supposed to walk in a way that makes Christ sacrifice for us worth while. Now obviously Christ sacrifice was worth while, but do our actions prove that. We must not make it appear that Christ wasted his time when He died on the cross for us. WE KNOW HE DID NOT, but when we live in an ungodly manner, we are telling other people that. Paul writes to the church at Philippi and tells them that he wants their testimony to be positive whether he is with them or not. (Do you remember when your teacher would leave the room, and when she would, everyone would run around the classroom and break all the rules - Because she wasnt there) Paul explains, we should live Godly whether He (Paul) is watching, whether your parents are watching? whether Pastor Lee or Pastor Chip are watching, be real with or without someone watching over your shoulder)
Don't Be afraid of your enemies, or Gods enemies, we have the power of God. Paul finishes this chapter by explaining to us that we should not only BELIEVE in God but me should be willing to suffer for Christ if the opportunity arises. Paul can say that because he was sitting in Jail while he was writing this. He was suffering.

How Can I Apply This To My Life:
2. Ok, now to the life application: I MUST live Godly whether my boss is watching, whether my wife is watching, whether God is watching (because He is). I just need to be the same with or without witnesses. And Like Paul I must TRUELY BELIEVE in God, to the point that I would be willing to suffer for Him! Am I willing to really suffer for my savior who suffered for me?


Amy :) said...

This verse is great, We should live Godly even if nobody is watching and even to impress someone. We dont know Jesus comes and what will you be doing when he comes pleasing Him or displeasing Him? We also have temptation in our lives and we need to choose to do the right thing even when no ones around. Jesus was perfect and righteous and knew all the hidden sins of other people. We have that we have hidden sins in our life that we keep hidden and whenever we get to heaven and get judged by God those hidden sins will be not hidden anymore. We should do everything with the right attitude and always do the right thing in Christ

Anonymous said...

Paul was encouraging his friends at Philippi to "walk worthy of the gospel of Jesus Christ."
This reminded me that the only "Jesus" that most people see is the "Jesus" in me. The opinions that people form about Jesus come from what they experience observing Christians.
With this in mind, Paul tells them to "stand fast(closely, tightly) in ONE Spirit, with ONE mind striving TOGETHER for the faith of the gospel. This is so important because trials will come into our lives. We will face things that will seem to crush us. Have you ever been hurt so bad that you feel like you can't go on? I have. Have you messed up and need help? I have. Have people tried to mock you and put you down because you are a Christian? of course you have... Paul is saying that when this happens to a brother or sister in Christ, we need to stand together and help them. Isn't it a great feeling to truly help someone and ease their suffering? Isn't it a comfort to have a friend who doesn't judge you, but really tries to help you when you are suffering? By doing these things we experience joy, even through the trial. Paul had joy and he wanted the Philippians to have joy also. Jesus is always closest when we are in a trial or helping someone who is in a trial.
Then the world sees the Jesus in me and you. Awesome huh?
Sorry to be so long but this is what's on my heart.
We stay strong when we stay united with Christ and one another.
In Christ's love, CCM

Rachel☺; said...

Paul is reminding the people of how they should be living; pretty much with good Godly character. At my old school they had a bunch of 'inspiring posters', one saying 'true character is who you are in the dark' and its true. We should be the same real, Christian person no matter who were around and what were doing, because the people who do not know how Christians should act can only understand it by how we live as an example.
Later when it says we should suffer for God like he did for us, is something ive never really thought about, but it makes sense. We will never have to suffer like he did and never have to suffer in hell; in whatever ways we suffer for him will never be as bad, so its only sensible to suffer for Him. A tiny example/application being when we are uncomfortable to witness because we are afraid of what might happen; if we were to get a big slap in the face (not so literally pastor lee, you take all of my words wayyy literal) from it shouldnt matter because just risking your comfort is fair to God.
So mostly everything Paul is saying to the people, we can take as God telling us. We should live as examples of God. (like true Christians) and take suffering for the Lord.

Tylermon33 said...

what i got from this is that Paul was saying you should only do conduct that is worth to God so that if he isn't there or he missed you he could hear of your good conduct that is honoring God. also don't be affraid to stand up for what you believe in like God for instance, if someone says oh you believe in God thats weird or your dumb for believing in God, stand up for God and say something like ya i do and invite them to church maybe. also if people criticize you for what you believe in and you tried to invite them to church and they still won't leave you alone, just walk away and take it don't yell at them or curse them out, because God died on the cross for you so you don't want them to think that being a christian is nothing better than them because your cursing them out and they do that all the time, they won't think it is anything special. so just walk away and take it because that is the least you could do for the person who died on the cross for the whole world. so simply just act Christ-like because everybody is watching you even if you don't think so, so don't let God down and act Christ-like.

weird high school kid said...

To tell you the truth i have no clue what paul is trying to convey. Although just maybe i think what he's saying is that we should always be living for christ no matter what, and that means when we're with friends or by ourselves in our rooms. Just remember god is always watching so what do you guys want him to see you doing?

Anonymous said...

Josh, If you have no clue what it is saying, the point is to read what I wrote about it and then go back and read the passage again. That will help you understand the passage and APPLY IT TO YOUR LIFE. :)

Anonymous said...

God wants us to be pleasing him in everday life in everything that we do we should please him even in the way we eat like dont get FAT!
When Jesus comes you dont want to be caught doing something that you dont want to be seen soing ecspecially by Jesus so stay unsinful.
Jonathan Massey

Jillian said...

WHATS PAUL SAYING: well hes pretty much saying exactly what P.Lee said he said lol even if noone is around you still need to be living a Godly life and try not to sin and not just your actions or your words but also your thoughts alot of times people think ungodly thoughts and think its fine because no one else knows and its only you and your not saying it and its staying in your head so its all gonna be ok WRONG its still sin and God still knows what your thinking

LIFE: well lets see i kinda already said it up there ^^^^
but in my life i need to realize that my thoughts are not always Godly thoughts and i need to work on that =]


Jillian said...

whos ccm?

Rachel☺; said...

yeah i agree about the thinking thing sorta.
my mom says that sometimes our thoughts cant be controlled but how we deal with our thoughts its most important. she tells me its a sign to need to clear it of the bad and fill it with good things.

FoOtBaLl XtReMiSt (cary) said...

"WHO YOU ARE IN THE DARK DEFINES YOUR CHARACTER!!!" wow... what a famous saying... but its true, our character is based on what we do when no-one is watching... Wheter it be with your friends, family, or just by yourself... you should always try to do what you would do if there were people there... temepation is HUGE now-a-days. "A companion of fools will be DESTROYED". (notice how i bolded destroyed) run this thought through your head... just close your eyes and picture this... your in a car with some friends you know you shouldnt be hanging out with... you know you are a christian and they know you are a christian... they pull up into the parking lot of a little old church... it is dark and no-one can see you.. it is just you and your 2 friends... your friends get out of the car and open the trunk and one has a duffel bag full of tools, and the other has an unmarked box... you stare blankly into space... scared to death... you know they are going to something you know they shouldnt be doing... you live far away from were you are... it is pitch black outside... and your friends are at the door trying to break it open... you get out of the car, you look around you at your surroundings... you see the door church door burst open, and your friends run inside. scared, you follow them. they walk down the short hallway and stop at a random door. its the pastors office, they pick the lock and walk inside, you can not see a thing so you have no choice but to follow them in... they get in the office and switch on the light... you look around to see pictures on the wall depicting old bible scenes he learned about when he was a kid. he looked straight forward and you notice a bookshelf covering the back wall. it is full of bibles and other books. your friends both look at you and the one friend opens the box, he has paint, gas, and other items in the box... they begin breaking everything they can find... they urge you to take part in what they are doing, they start calling you names like "whimp, and sissy" feeling preasured, you take a swing at the desk. but, right when the chair hit the desk... there was a big flash of light! you are confused at what has happened, your eyes are squinted, and you cannot hear anything. you sit down, rub your eyes, and look up to see a man looking at you... but this man is not just any old man, you recognize him, as if... you seen him before... you look around to see yourself in what looks like a chair fit for a king, the man does not talk, he just looks at you with a blank face, you start to feel uncomfortable and get up and look for a door to exit, but the room you are in is just an endless, white room. you start becoming impatient and almost angry at the man, but as you look at him, yelling, you notice a mark, on his wrist, it is almost like a scar, this man has not moved a muscle, he has not blinked. you ask the man "do you need help, are you ok?" he nods his head yes, slowly. you are startled by his movement. he then signals for you to turn around, when you do, behind you, there appeared a screen, almost like a movie, at first, you can not make out what the scene is depicting, you can just here voices and rattling, you recognize the voices, like you have heard them over and over before, and then there is a light on the screen, and you are startled at what you see! you see you and your 2 friends on the screen, you see yourself on the screen giving in to the peer preasure of your friends. you see yourslef throwing things and hitting things in what looks like an old office. you are shocked, scared to death. you think that you are being showed a surveilence video in the office being played as you were in the office. you begin lightly crying, for you know what trouble you are in, you turn back around to face the man and you are on your knees asking for forgiveness with your face on the ground. you stop, hearing nothing, you slowly raise your head and see that man, glowing and in a elegant white and gold robe, and says "why would you do that to a man who is a servant of mine?" you are puzzled, wondering what he meant by "servant of mine". and then your eyes burst open, you look back and the man is now standing and displays his wrists. you see two holes through the wrists, and you realize who the man is, he is jesus.

how would you feel after that, i know i wouldnt feel to good, once again, WHO YOU ARE IN THE DARK TRULY DEFINES YOUR CHARACTER... peace out...

Jessica M said...

I am still amazed that in spite of Paul’s circumstances in these past verses that he continued to praise God and honor Him!

In these verses Paul tells us that as Christians we are to conduct or act in a way that is pleasing or justifies the gospel. We are in a battle every single day of our lives so we need to stand firm on our ground to be able to withstand it all. A person who is living consistently with the gospel will be able to do such things as keep the devil and his "army" out of our lives.

Pastor Lee talked about how he needed to live the same Godly way no matter who is watching and I believe that he does that very well; but I know of so many "fake" people even in the church that live a double life! Don’t we all know someone like that?

I guess you could say I am a citizen of heaven and I should start living like it… If we spend all of our time reading other things, watching television, viewing myspace pages, playing dumb videogames haha, or surfing the web, we will never see the reality of who we are in Christ. And we will never be who God intended for us to be in this life.

Kacey! said...

Paul is saying that we should be Godly around people, and when we are by ourselves. When we are by ourselves is when we get tempted the most. It's real easy to do things you aren't suposed to do when you are by yourself. We need to constantly be on the look-out for this temptation.

Also, can you please pray for my dad. He is going to his cardiologist tomorrow morning because his heat is irregular. Last year they had to shock him, so he thinks that they will have to do that again. Or they might keep him in the hospital for a while until it gets better.

HADOKEN!!! said...

CARY wins the novel of the day award! yaaaaaaaaaay!
Anyway paul is telling us to be Christlike in all that we do. he tells us to show our adversaries no fear. he also reminds us that we are ment to suffer for Christ sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Cary, that was awesome! You are definitly a gifted writer. Rachael, you also picked up on this suffering thing. Was it because of what you just went through with your back? This passage is very rich and worthy of a deeper study. I think everyone caught Paul's advice to examine their actions because they reflect on Christ.

Daemis WolfBorn said...

Paul is telling us to be like Christ. We have to be pleasing to him. Also we have to show no fear to the enemy. So we also have to avoid temptation so we don't fall into the enemy.

Josh didn't get this? I thought you were smart!!

Anonymous said...

i totally understand this.
Jesus sacrificed himself for us when he lived a PERFECT life & NEVER deserved to die.
We must make our actions approveing of him & walk in a godly way to show we appriciate it.

When others c us sin they think what HE did wasn't such a big idea & grow a misconception about Christ.

i can apply this by simply making better decisions in friends & actions.

WWJD...what would jesus do???
that's what we gotta live by=]

McCue said...

When I read this I think of Interity. The first part of the passage indicates that whether people like Paul, who hold you accountable are around or not we still need to do things that glorify god. It's so easy sometimes when you are in the world to succumb to what the world deems acceptable. We can't and It's not.

Aznricerunr[PN] said...

This is saying you should live for christ not only at church but every where. i call these people fake christians the kind of people that say there a christian but act the same as everyone else. We should stand out among the crowd as the children of god because we are not like anyone else we are unique in a way that christ lives in and through us. We have the choice to belief in him and to be granted everlasting life by accepting him into our hearts.
I need to apply this to my life by acting just like jesus did. He was perfect but we need to be as close to that as possible.

Gaby said...

This passage seems to be talking about how we should have our behavior model that of christs and not of the world. This "conduct" will help people to see christ through you and also you wont come off as a hypocrite, its also says that you wil be persecuted cause you are a christian but that it what god wants cause it will also make you stronger in your faith and you will understand better what jesus went through for you.

Buffalo Wild Wings Reward Activity!! Thanks for being faithful!

Stay Faithful and Join us Next Time!