MONDAY, March 23rd, 2009

Hey guys, lets look at Ecclesiastes chapter 2 today:

1 I said in mine heart, Go to now, I will prove thee with mirth, therefore enjoy pleasure: and, behold, this also is vanity.
2 I said of laughter, It is mad: and of mirth, What doeth it?
3 I sought in mine heart to give myself unto wine, yet acquainting mine heart with wisdom; and to lay hold on folly, till I might see what was that good for the sons of men, which they should do under the heaven all the days of their life.
4 I made me great works; I builded me houses; I planted me vineyards:
5 I made me gardens and orchards, and I planted trees in them of all kind of fruits:
6 I made me pools of water, to water therewith the wood that bringeth forth trees:
7 I got me servants and maidens, and had servants born in my house; also I had great possessions of great and small cattle above all that were in Jerusalem before me:
8 I gathered me also silver and gold, and the peculiar treasure of kings and of the provinces: I gat me men singers and women singers, and the delights of the sons of men, as musical instruments, and that of all sorts.
9 So I was great, and increased more than all that were before me in Jerusalem: also my wisdom remained with me.
10 And whatsoever mine eyes desired I kept not from them, I withheld not my heart from any joy; for my heart rejoiced in all my labour: and this was my portion of all my labour.
11 Then I looked on all the works that my hands had wrought, and on the labour that I had laboured to do: and, behold, all was vanity and vexation of spirit, and there was no profit under the sun.

I don't know about you, but I seem to think that If I had everything that Solomond had, I would have been happy... if I had servants, and houses, and gold and silver and gardens and forrests, and on and on the lists go... I would think with all those possessions you couldnt HELP BUT BE SO HAPPY!!!!

At least that is what the world thinks... If the world could grasp one chapter of the Bible and apply it, this chapter would make an impact greater than you and I could ever imagine... Imagine if everyone stopped trying to get the next biggest and best thing...

Imagine if dads were at home playing with their children instead of working at the office all the time, imagine if Husbands and wives actually saved their money instead of going into thousands of dollars of debt...

Why do we all do this? Because the world is searching for happiness, the world is searching for Joy!!!!!! What they don't understand is that they are LOOKING IN THE WRONG PLACE!!!!!

If they want Joy, they must find it through Jesus Christ...

How do I know that? Well, Solomon had it all!!! If he thought there was anything in the world that would please him, he took it... whether it was the hottest girl in the world, or whether it was the best meal, or maybe it was just mountains of Gold...

THE FACT IS: None of it brought him the joy that he was searching for!!!! NONE OF IT!!!

Today we try to get that same joy with toys, jet skis, boats, new cars, vacations, video games, girls, guys, WHATEVER..... BUT IT WILL NOT BRING YOU REAL JOY!!!

The only that that will give you what you long for is JESUS!


AngelWings said...

Very good points in this passage. Basically is it saying that Solomon had everything as it states in verses 3-9: gardens, houses,servants,and musical instruments, but he was still missing something-the true joy from Jesus Christ! Sometimes you may run into people who buy, and buy things that they think are important (which are not) to fill that kind of 'emptiness' they may have. Then they may get bored with the things they have purchased, so they try to obatin even more to keep themselves happy, but what some do not understand is that they need Chrst to always remain joyful. Not the 'best' house nor the best technology, electronics,.etc, that are out nowadays. Everyone is searching for happiness and joy, and some may just need help looking in the right place for it: through Jesus.

McCue said...

I think Solomon makes a point to make himself SOUND conceited only to emphasize that all of it was worthless, all the ambition money fame it was worthless under the sun. The entire passage gets us going "all right Solomon was the bomb!" He had everything and the entire passage also leads to the single most important part. verse 11 says that when he looked upon all of it it was VANITY and VEXATION and there was no profit. That is pretty rough. I think Solomon was so wise because he went through a lot. He probably made some mistakes but through adversity his character was built and his sagacity increased. (I like that word.) As God works on our hearts we should be reminded, like Lee said, that nothing in this world will bring you happiness but growth with Jesus.
-Michael R. McCue

McCue said...

I am Han Solo btw. Check out the Star Wars character test on Facebook!

FoOtBaLl XtReMiSt (cary) said...

this passage tells how solomon had all the things he could want. servants, maids, cooks, money. and he still stayed right with the lord. and he had wisdom.. which is why really he was king.

Godservant said...

Society tells us we need material items to fill up our empty spot, or to be happy, but really, the media are losers. Sure, material items are alright to have, look, PL has a new house, an iPhone, anawesome car, but those things don't make him happy. Christ does. Also, material items are ok to have also because you may need them to survive. Car to get to work, house to live in, list goes on. Ok to have material items, but not ok if they have YOU!

Anonymous said...

Basically this passage is teaching us that we can have all the joy in the world if we just have Jesus. Solomon had "joy" but not the right kind that he needed. He found to much happiness from the unimportant things instead of through Jesus. In the end none of his belongings really even mattered because he didnt have happiness from the Lord! And instead of being obsessed with everything we think we get "joy" from we should be doing our devotions and staying in Gods word to get joy! im going to Choose Jesus to make you happy! He has made me happy evertime i come to him!! love yall!! goodnight! -mal!

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