THURSDAY, May 22nd, 2008

Well well, I hope you enjoyed last night! We hit our goal of 40 last night EXACTLY! How cool is that!! Well we talked about being a leader in the youth group last night and I want to encourage you to stay faithful as I think and pray about a Suncoast Youth Leadership Team.

Here are my thoughts about what a Leadership team would do: I would meet with our Leadership team once every two weeks. We would decide things like: What can we do in our youth group to help things grow; How and When should we go about changing the Teen Room; How can we make our visitors feel more welcome; How can we make our Wednesday Night kids come on Sunday and our Sunday Teens come on Wednesday... These issues and many more. Plus we will be having lots of fun! So, over the next few weeks, Think about what you are putting in your devotions, stay faithful and remember last nights message: Shad, Shaq, and Abe were Young Leaders who stood for what was right, stood together, and walked with God!

A Few Thoughts from Yesterday:
Josh L: The Devotions were definitely up yesterday at 12:40. Either you have serious computer problems or serious eye problems :)
That one Kid!: Well why dont you at least DO YOUR DEVOTIONS while you are on here??
Amanda: Is your hair better now? Great Job Last night! Way to be a good sport!
Ryan W: GREAT DEVOTION! Very Transparent! Very REAL! You Rock!
Jessica M. and Jessica B.: I CANNOT BELIEVE COOK WON! I WAS SO SHOCKED AND DISSAPOINTED! Oh Well, This reminds me of when Clay Aiken lost: But he really won, because He was way bigger than the other guy! I know I am buying an Archuletta CD! :)
(I sound like a 14 year old girl)

John 2:1-12
1 On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there.
2 Now both Jesus and His disciples were invited to the wedding.
3 And when they ran out of wine, the mother of Jesus said to Him, “They have no wine.”
4 Jesus said to her, “Woman, what does your concern have to do with Me? My hour has not yet come.”
5 His mother said to the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it.”
6 Now there were set there six waterpots of stone, according to the manner of purification of the Jews, containing twenty or thirty gallons apiece.
7 Jesus said to them, “Fill the waterpots with water.” And they filled them up to the brim.
8 And He said to them, “Draw some out now, and take it to the master of the feast.” And they took it.
9 When the master of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and did not know where it came from (but the servants who had drawn the water knew), the master of the feast called the bridegroom.
10 And he said to him, “Every man at the beginning sets out the good wine, and when the guests have well drunk, then the inferior. You have kept the good wine until now!”
11 This beginning of signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory; and His disciples believed in Him.
12 After this He went down to Capernaum, He, His mother, His brothers, and His disciples; and they did not stay there many days.

What a cool; but simple story. Jesus and his disciples were at a wedding. They ran out of wine at the wedding; so Jesus' mother asked him to do something about it. Jesus told the servants to fill six waterpots with water. When they did, Jesus told them to take it to the master to taste, and when the master tasted it, He said, why were you saving this DELICIOUS wine until the end... you should have had this first. Then Jesus left. That is a quick summary, but there are just a few applications that I want to share with you:

1. When you want a miracle: turn to Jesus! Jesus' mother went to Himm becasue she knew that he could fix the problem. I think it is amazing that she also told the servants "Do whatever He tells you to do". For God to do great things in our life; WE MUST OBEY HIM COMPLETELY! Mary knew that and she made sure that the servants of the wedding knew that as well!

2. I think it is so cool that when they servants obeyed Jesus: they took him literally and seriously. If Jesus said "fill" the waterpots, then they would be filled to the brim. Oh that we would obey what Christ tells us as precicely as the servants did!

APPLICATION: Turning water into wine is Great! But I believe like yesterday, Jesus Christ would say, you think that is something? You just wait until you see what I can do! I think that Jesus wants to do a miracle in each one of our lives. He wants to take us from the sinful wretch that we are and turn us into a beautiful vessel! God wants to turn you into an incredible follower! Just obey him completely and follow him!

Have a great day you guys!! What are your plans for memorial day??


Amy :) said...

This is a great devotion for today because yesterday my sister was putting down the road in her car because she had no gas in it. I was praying to God for a miracle and I was praying so that we would'nt get stranded and then right when we got up to the gas pump her car went dead and we got gas (the car came back to life) and it was ok. That is a miracle from God! no doubt about it!

At this wedding that Jesus went to He made the water into wine that is one of the greatest miracles He has ever done. The king of Cana was surprised to be tasting this delicious wine that Jesus had provided to them. Jesus is like that with us. We have no more wine left when we are unsaved and whenever we get saved he gets us (the water) and turns us into delicous (wine) Christians for Him. If we follow Christ and His ways we should have good relationship with Him. God wants to make us into great leaders for Him (like the message last night) I beleive that He is about to make some of the teenagers in our youth group into strong leaders for Christ so they can stand up and do what is right for Him.

Rachel☺; said...

Pastor Leeee, your message lastnight really made me think. I feel so lazy when i think about all i could be doing, but are not. im gonna step upp now. you can get on my case when im lazy :]
Okay, devotions
Well i think of situations in the past that i gave to God and also ones i hadnt, and everyyyy time i realize i shouldve let Him have his way. i remember times when ive brought simple things to God and let him do what he wanted with themm, the turned into some amazinggg things, just like the wine from water. The more and more we give to Him to control the better things will get. the best place to put all of your trust is in God, even though its kinda hard. Like what i talked to you about in the van yesterday pastor Lee about that sorta personal stuff i need to trust that i was made this way because im supposed to be and not thinking its okay to mess it up.
okay, application.
its ultra hard for me to put all of my trust in one place because i always want to save some for a time i might want to be more independent and trust my own self or judgement, but its been proven to me many times that i should put it all in God. ill be trying! :]

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the application! I really needed that. What an encouragement to know God is waiting and ready to do a miracle in my life. All I have to do is ask and obey!

Anonymous said...

Hey I'm just some kid that came on just cause I saw this site on one of those stupid paper star things that my bro brought home! Oh well TONIGHT MAKING HIS STAR APPEARENCE(slow drumroll in a crescento) "THAT ONE GUY"!!!!

Anonymous said...

hey yeah my bro just wanted me to come on but whatev you know. he told me not to tell my name or school but here's a hint for "Yagami" your third math class!

Anonymous said...

I think it is absolutely amazing. And it shows that all you have to do is follow his guidance, and he will reward you. Even if the task seems so simple we do not understand, it is what pleases him and shows our devotions. Like doing our devotions,
it's a small thing we can do for Jesus. But it's the choice we make to do it that makes it important.

I think alot of our faith stems from this basic principle, act for our savior, through the simple things and the hard things. That our faith is shown by our actions, and trust in Jesus. And if we actually do take the time to do all that he asks, our lives may have challenges, and alot of situations that test us and force us to grow. But our blessings will be many, and
the rewards will be great. For pleasing Jesus is one of the greatest rewards we have.


Tylermon33 said...

what i got from this was that at a party they ran out of wine and Jesus mom went to Him because she knew He could do something about it (a miracle) and make water into wine. also when Jesus mom said to the servants obey everything that He tells you they did and we should be like that, obey everything that God tells us to do and don't hesitate because God wouldn't and didn't hesitate for us. so the servants listened to Jesus and filled the pots with water and gave it to the guests and it became wine and it was better then in the begenning of the party and you are suppose to have the good wine in the begenning but it was better and the guests were suprised and amazed. if we need God to help us in your life or a miracle just ask Him and He will do what He wants for us.

weird high school kid said...

Pastor Lee i wason at 6 in the morning and wednesday was up except no words. so i think it may just have been you since i was using two different computers and i don't need glasses nor am i mentally unstable.

So on to our superly awesome spectacularly stellar devos yay! Alright so I'm gonna go into this kinda deep to a point most people won't look. Now jesus was asked by his mother to do something at the wedding when they ran out of wine and like a respectful son he listened to his mom and did so. then when the master drank of the wine he was all like whoa this is really good wine why were you holding this stuff back when you know the good wine is drunk by the guests then by all those inferior. I believe most people would look into this and think this is one of the many miracles jesus did to prove himself, but here's what i think. So back then the jews weren't "all that" kinda like how blacks were during early america in the south. So pretty much you can say the jewish people were "inferior" to others. Jesus waited until all the wine was gone since he knew the "non-inferior" people would drink it all. I believe this represents how the world will believe that what they are getting is the good stuff living in their life of sin and earthly pleasures. So then when the wine was gone Jesus brings out the good stuff. This represents how the inferior, jews and now in a.d. christians, will be getting what they really deserve which is the grace of god which is better than anything that we can imagine.

So i may be wrong or maybe i'm right in my thoughts of this, but this is only one thought out of the unknown number of things people have thought about this passage.

Anonymous said...

hey guys i think this is a good devo. for today. i think that the best thing to do when there is a problem is to turn it over to god. god will fix everything if it is his will to do so. i use this everyday at school and at home. when there is a problem i always turn it to god. this messge was great. P.S. not gonna be able to make it to church on Sunday. i have to go to Cusins graduation in Georgia.

ok be on tommorow.
and on Memorial day im gonna be in the car for 8 hours.

Amanda said...

ahhh. i just wrote a really long one.. and it said "ERROR" when i tried submiting it. okay, lol

Todays devotion is amazinggg! i get it! haha. Every single one of us has problems in our lives. whether it be simple or really big. We try to turn to people, our friends mainly. Although what we dont realize is that we can turn to God. He is there for us no matter what. Whatever it might be.. he will give us a miracle. I mean, seriously.. he turned water into wine! he knew that Nathanael was under the fig tree! Just think.. he can do anything!

and yes Pastor Lee, haha my hair is much better! I just don't reccomend you ever being a hair stylist. =)

Anonymous said...

Ok I just have to say that I have made a habit out of my devotions and I think of them everyday so I guess that good! Ok so now to the important stuff. Ok this passage talks about the people at the wedding and they had no more wine so Jesus took the water and turned it into wine but keep listening it gets better lol. So this passage spoke to me because it shows that if we put are faith in Jesus that he can do wondrous things for us and that’s just what the men did they did exactly what Jesus said and they had faith and Jesus did something that they never thought would be possible to do and Jesus can do things beyond your wildest dreams.
P.S.Did you hear about Steven Curtis Chapman’s daughter that’s so sad. :-(

HADOKEN!!! said...

I laughed when I read this verse. Basically, everyone including Jesus and His mother were at this wedding when the wine runs out. So Jesus's mom asks Him if He an do something about it. So Jesus takes six buckets of water and turns them all into buckets of wine. Finally the master of the feast calls down one of his men and yells at him because he thought that he brought out the good wine last.
The application is stop WINE-ing lol Just Kidding I just had to say it.
the real application is that God will provide us with whatever we need and more as long as we are faithful in Him. If you need to pass a geometry test you don't have to go it alone just pray to Christ about it and He will give you the wisdom to pass the test.

HADOKEN!!! said...

Also that one guy you spelled crescendo wrong

Rachel Evelyn said...

Mary had full trust in Jesus, she told the servants to do whatever they said because she knew that He could do it. It is sometimes really hard to put your full trust in Jesus. It is hard to believe what you cannot see, especially when you get older and learn that the Easter Bunny and Santa Clause aren't real. This almost evades all the logic that you ever held as a kid and makes it hard to believe that God could be real. However the difference is that we are able to see the changes that God makes in people, the miracles that God works through people and the joy of everyday through Jesus. It is my hope that I will be able to put my full trust in the Lord and give my life completely to him. This isn't always easy..but we need it.

(Michael McCue, I am still praying for you. :] Go Phantom)

- Rachel E.

Anonymous said...

"Ok, so I think we all know this story. Jesus turned water into wine. I never really understood how I could apply it to my life until now. It wasn't what Jesus did, but what the servants did. They obeyed Him! You see, if you obey Him then goods things will come out of it. Also, His mom is a great example of what we should be doing everyday! Whenever we have a problem, we should go to God and ask Him for help. He has all the solutions we need. So I guess what I'm trying to get at is that we need to seek God's help and then obey!


Jessica M said...

Last night at youth your message spoke to me for sure! I have watched my dad be a leader in everything he does and God has blessed our family because of it! I guess could have sounded bad because I wouldn't want it only for the blessings but because I want to follow Christ with my whole life! Not just when I feel like it!

Great verses today! I think the purpose in this story was to show us faith. This can be applied to what is going on in our world right now. Today the world found out about Steven Curtis Chapman's little daughter Maria and how she passed away yesterday! Very sad! But I was listening to the radio and they talked about how hard it is going to be for the Chapman family but also that they just need to put into play all the things that they believe, stand for, and all the songs that Steven has been singing about all these years!!!

Just think how amazing it must of been to be there at that wedding and know that Jesus the Son of God took the jugs, filled them with water, and by HIS amazing power turned the water into wine!
I bet that wine tasted GGOOOODDD! Hahahaha NO! BAD! DON'T DRINK GUYS!!! IT'S BAD! :)
Faith can be renewed through studying the Bible, pray, church and etc.... so why don’t we step up and put these things into action? I know I want to! How about you join me?

APPLICATION: Simple... turn from our OWN ways and follow Christ because you can only get true happiness from HIM alone. Even through sickness, tragedy, hurt, sorrow, pain, love, happiness, joy still turn to HIM!!! Is it that simple?

Good night! Sleep tight! Don’t let the bedbugs bite! J

Anonymous said...

It is a pretty simple story, but something I never thought of jumped out at me. Think about this-Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world and He took time to help keep His friend from being embarassed. Think about that!!! He genuinely cared for his friends and made sure that they had their needs met. That really shows me what kind of a friend that I should be. It was definitely below Christ to take the time and leave the festivities to perform this miracle. What am I willing to do for my friends? Am I willing to help out my friend even if it means "missing out" on something. Jesus Christ was willing to do that for His friend, and it is a powerful example to us!

Jillian said...

wow this is a pretty cool passage
there have been times in my life where i have prayed for a miracle but never got one but i can only think of one that i really remember
when i was in 7th grade my mom got run over be our van and she had a broken neck the whole time while she was under tha van she was thinking that she was gonna die and she didnt want to doe infront of her kids because me and my sister were standing right there and my brothers were in the van and when the ambulance got there they took her to the hospital and they foundout what was wrong with her and everyting and they told ehr that shell either be paralyzed the rest of her life or shell be ona ventalator so we all just started praying for a miracle and there were tons of people praying for her and well we got our miracle shes here and perfectly fine now =]
so God can do some amaxing things all you need to do is ask =]

Gaby said...

Ok hopefully this one works cause i posted this yesterday and it deleted it..=/

this is a cool story! its the first miracle jesus does in the bible and i think almost everyone knows how he turns the water to wine. Although jesus didnt want to perform it at that time because he was such a loving and helpful god he did it anyways.

app: this really applys to me again! i was having like these major schedule conflcts and i was worried cause i woulda had class with sonya..yeah not good anyways they finally switched ap gov. and econ. to 3rd hour which was amazing because noww i can still take ojt and get my college credit so yeah im excited!!

Aznricerunr[PN] said...

this passage says to me that when you need a miracle and you don't know what to do they pray and let Jesus take care of it. He can do anything so let him work it out. We need to trust him with all our needs and no matter what we need to trust him. Even when things r not working out for you just take a few breathers and just sit down and pray.

Application is that I wish i could turn water into baja blast because then I would be the coolest person in the world but only to pastor lee! But for real in need to look towards God when im in trouble because hes the only one the can truly save me. Just like when Pastor lee preached about the three guys with the wierd names about how there were in the fire and trusted Jesus and he saved them because they trusted him. R we willing to give up everything for him because he gave up everything for us should we do the same?

Anonymous said...

I can agree we all have problems in our lif,big or small...I as well as others usually turn 2 friends & fam, or try 2 be independent as rachael stated...& after reading this it's got me thinking...

fam/friends r good yes...BUT...all they can give u is simple advise & GOD...well...HE CAN WORK MIRICALS!!!don't get me wrong, its ok 2 go 2 friends/fam...but the ONE person u can ALWAYS count on is..................

JESUS CHRIST!!!He'll work miricals on us if we allow him 2 & follow him w/out hesitation...

I have trust issues REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY bad 100,000,000x's over again...& i just don't trust anybody 4 the fear of gettin hurt or somethin 2 that extent...but it didn't dawn on me til NOW that Christ will never hurt me & is the ONLY person i don't have 2 worry about my trust issues with...Even still, it's hard...

& devotions everyday help me trust him more & more so i CAN follow his orders WITHOUT HESITATION=]

Buffalo Wild Wings Reward Activity!! Thanks for being faithful!

Stay Faithful and Join us Next Time!