That means tomorrow is our 100th Blog. Here is what we are going to do: As you can see I put a web counter on the bottom of our blog site. Tomorrow I want us to add 100 visits to our site in one day. Tonight I will post the number that we begin on... (in other words- how many visitors before tomorrow begins) and we will call everyone we know and tell them to log onto www.doyourdevotions.com so that we can have 100 visitors in one day. Won't that be so cool!
Even cooler is that on our site you can see the map of the world and it will tell you where people are visiting our site from all around the world. Do you know anyone out of state or out of country that you can get to go on our site? They dont have to comment, we just want 100 visitors.
OK. To our next order of business. Tomorrow night we are going to go to McD's and I am buying all of the teenagers that did their devos more than 4 times this past week an Ice Cream Sundae. We will meet at the church at 6:30PM. Here is who qualifies: Jeff, Josh L., Jonathan, McCue, Tyler, Ryan, Brooke, Jill, Gabby, Amy, Rachel, and Jessica Massey. DONT FORGET! Church at 6:30PM
FINALLY... wow there is a lot to mention today!
We will continue with John tomorrow, but today I want us to do something fun and new again today. It is kind of fun to have a life verse. That is nothing weird it is basically a verse that really encourages you and speaks to you personally.
My life verse is Micah 7:8 "Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD shall be a light unto me."
I think this verse is so great because it is basically telling our enemy (Satan), don't get too excited when I fall, because I am going to get right back up and continue to live for God. God is my light and he guides my through His will for my life.
Write out your favorite verse and what it means to you: Try to stay away from John 3:16 (unless it really is your life verse) and John 11:35 :)
If you dont have a life verse, then take some time today and look for one, I dont expect you to come up with it necessarily in one day, but give it a shot. At least pick some kind of verse that means sosmething to you and tell us about it!
Then he said to them, "Go, eat of the fat, drink of the sweet, and send portions to him who has nothing prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength." Nehemiah 8:10
- Everyday before school my grandmother would tell me, do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength. I moved to Florida and I no longer had her spiritual guidance and so I told myself this, whenever I was sad, or whenever I felt weak. It helped me get through a lot of hard times in my life and it helps to say it in the morning before school or before a difficult situation. I missed you guys in church today, sorry I couldn't come!
- Rachel E.
Proverbs are my favorite area of the bible to go spelunking in. Because it is very wise, and very to the point. I just browsed through my old old kid bible. From when I was 14-17. I had a few things underlined here and there. But there was one I had like fifty asterisks by.
Hatred stirs up dissension,
but love covers over all wrongs.
I believe there are many many very important verses that anyone should have memorized. But then there are ones that pertain to certain peoples lives and lessons or difficulties they have had to deal with, or deal with on a continual basis.
In my past I've had a lot happen that would cause me to be fearful of love, and easily accept hate and
hard to accept forgiveness.
I have often times warded off such feelings with this passage. Because it is very powerful. In a nutshell it gives you guidance to true love, the ability to forgive others, the ability to listen quietly, to discern wisdom over quick anger, to turn the other cheek, to step aside and smooth your feelings, to strengthen yourself, and your love to your neighbors. I believe it also ties directly to one of the Commandments
Love they neighbor.
If you ever have a hard time forgiving yourself for something, or you feel that you are having a hard time of forgiving someone else. I encourage you to flip through Proverbs, because it doesn't require much thought, and it doesn't require much time. It is very straightforward, especially during those times that you find yourself having a difficult time being patient with anything.
Love is true to us all, but Love is the most powerful emotion in everyones lives.
Hate is very easy to find its way into your heart if your heart isn't in the right place.
Most mistakes made can be solved by understanding this simple principle. :)
It warms my hear to know that such simple guidance and parables can be so easily understood and applied if you take the time to read them.
***ON a side note****
You guys are doing such an amazing job, I really enjoy reading what all of you have posted about your feelings and thoughts about everything. You guys show so much love with your actions. I'm proud to know most of you.
So my life verse is deffinately proverbs 12:1 which i believe couldn't be better stated than in the New King James version which says "Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge, But he who hates correction is stupid." I always don't like being corrected, but i should listen to what the people that have been through the experiences have to say. Especially if they're a respectable adult that i know is wise like pastor lee or my parents. I personally want to be one of those people that love knowledge and that are smart instead of someone that just screams at someone after they've been corrected for doing something wrong.
Well when I was at the Wilds last summer we had to memorize Bible verses and one in particular caught my attention.
Psalm 37:5 Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass.
To me this passage means that we have to put full confidence in the Lord and He will get things done. This is my daily struggle and I always have to remember if I don't put God first in everything that I am doing things in vain and that I have to confide in the Lord. This passage to me also means that whatever my struggle may be God can get me through it.
There is nothing that He can not do.I also think that with this passage pertains to fact that nothing is too small, or too big, that you might think that you shouldn't pray about. Pray about everything no matter what it is "He shall bring it to pass."
Well this is my first time and I hope that this is good enough:)
Lorrayne Silva
Only by pride cometh contention: but with the well advised is wisdom.-Proverbs 13:10 this is my favorite verse. Pastor lee told me it awhile ago and its has stuck in my head because he tells me it almost every time I'm with him.
my life verse is Psalm 23:4 and it says "Yea, though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me". that means that no matter what happens in my life God will be with me, from begenning to end.
PS. i told cary about doing his devotions.
Create in me a clean heart, O God and renew a right spirit within me. Psalm 51:10 - Life verse
I need a daily cleansing and want to have a right spirit within me and therefore glorify God in all I do.
ok i feel especially dumb today. i cant think of one,
Philippians 2:4
Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.Mening dont be selfish dont only take care of yourself taker care of others and i know i have trouble with this because i think that i am TONS better than everyone else and im not were all the same and i have touble with that and i need to think more about others like not sharing your corn bread(pastor lee and alex knows what i mean) and that also have to do with pride if someone dissaplints me my pride comes out and i think that im better than them so i dont have to listen but i need to swallow my pride and accept the fact that im in trouble.
Rachel: Dont feel dumb, There was a LONG LONG time that I didnt have a life "favorite" verse either. Just take some time and try to find one. You probably find it in one night, but here is a good way to find it: The next verse that you read that means a lot to you; make it that one, and then when you read one that means even more to you, just change it to that one... does that make sense? Try it out!
John Massey:
Great devotion!!! I know what you mean about the corn bread thing, and you are exactly right. We should try to put others before ourself like Christ did. It is not easy, but it is so cool when we do!
Alex: You can win man! I Love Ya!
I wish I could just say that the whole book of Proverbs is mine but I guess that I'll pick
Proverbs 11:2 "When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom"
I seem to have some big issues with pride that I need to fix. I just need to humble myself and remember this awsome verse. And thank you for the advise today Pastor Lee it really helped. :)
Also Im gonna go back and do the devos that i missed.
My all time favorite verse is Psalm 18:30. It says "As for God his way is perfect. The word of the Lord is tried, he is a buckler to all that trust in him." Think about that- no matter what is going on in your life you know that you can depend on the Lord, because everything He does is perfect. The next part is really awesome too- "the Word of the Lord is tried." That means that it is tried and test. It is absolute truth. Lastly, He is a buckler. A buckler is kind of like a shield. Isn't that so amazing. He is before us preventing anything from coming to us that we can't handle. So incredible awesome! I hope this is as encouraging to you as it is to me.
My all time favorite verse is Psalm 18:30. It says "As for God his way is perfect. The word of the Lord is tried, he is a buckler to all that trust in him." Think about that- no matter what is going on in your life you know that you can depend on the Lord, because everything He does is perfect. The next part is really awesome too- "the Word of the Lord is tried." That means that it is tried and test. It is absolute truth. Lastly, He is a buckler. A buckler is kind of like a shield. Isn't that so amazing. He is before us preventing anything from coming to us that we can't handle. So incredible awesome! I hope this is as encouraging to you as it is to me.
okay pastor lee, ill try that :]
actually, i sat down and went through my bible looking for things id circled or underlined cause i knew id have something good that id previously put emphasis on.
i found hebrews 11:3 and was reminded of the definition of faith.
"By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible."
Faith is my foundation for my beliefs the basis of my Christianity. And in this verse it tells of how faith is belief in what must be true but isnt visible. You hear of people who believe of a 'higher power' who created the earth and this verse reminds me all of who that 'higher power' is and how much more He is than just that!
Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.
I can be rather scared to do things sometimes...such as doing the right thing, or i freak out cuz i feel like i'm alone & idk what 2 do in life...
It reminds me when i'm "alone" both metaphorically & literally, there's NO need 2 be scared of ANYTHING cuz god is ALWAYS there...He wouldn't let anything happen that wasn't good &
This verse allows me 2 trust him & no matter WHERE i am...he's there...He's telling me 2 not be scared for he is always w/me & it sounds kinda corny but when im being faced w/some of my greatest fears i imagine he's standing RIGHT THERE W/ME holding my hand & encouraging me 2 push on & FACE my fears...
this was a great verse i remembered when i had a stalker & when a few fam. members were going through sever medical issues, & i was scared to lose them...
That's my life verse...
Puppy's motto (my kitten) is "I'm a MIGHTY lion, hear me rawrrr...MEEEEEOOOOWWWW!"
-LOL-NOT a verse from the bible...but she thinks shez ALMIGHTY & runs around the house chasing after my older cat CALI like shez a BEAST & when CALI looks at her a hisses Puppy freaks out & goes MEEEOOOWWW....&puts her head down...
She's sleepin infront of me right now....awww...my lil wanna b beast=]
well i dont know the reference i always seem to forget it lol
but its talking about how its not your outside body that counts and that God looks at but its your inner self and how your heart is that really matters and that will show through to your outer human body
ok making this devo up cause i missed it...
I have two life verses. Hope thats ok lol.
My First life verse is :Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
this is important to me because this is something i want o be myself but i also want from my future husband and it pretty much clarifies all that i look for =]
the second one is:
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6
This also helps me because when im facing people who HATE me i remember this verse. It reminds me that God is on MY side and he will protect me =]
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