TUESDAY, February 26th, 2008

Proverbs 6:20-35

Pastor Lee:
This passage is a little bit longer than usual, but for the most part it is focusing on one issue. Adultery. Adultery is to have a relationship physical or emotional with someone who is already married. Most of you teenagers probably think to yourself, well good, I dont have to do devotions today, because I am not married; but I think if we look into this there is a lesson for you unmarried teenagers as well.

I think the greatest lesson for you is this; even though you may not be married yet, God has your mate picked out for you and if you are involved in a physical or emotional relationship with someone who is not Gods will it could be very dangerous.

Read this, as if it applies to you unmarried teenagers, because it does. We should should all avoid adultery, remember in James? James said that when we are a friend of the world then we become the enemy of God; and we become adulterers.

Keep yourself pure teenagers. The consequences of adultery are devastating!

20 My son, keep your father’s command, And do not forsake the law of your mother.
21 Bind them continually upon your heart; Tie them around your neck.
22 When you roam, they[a] will lead you; When you sleep, they will keep you; And when you awake, they will speak with you.
23 For the commandment is a lamp, And the law a light; Reproofs of instruction are the way of life,
24 To keep you from the evil woman, From the flattering tongue of a seductress.
25 Do not lust after her beauty in your heart, Nor let her allure you with her eyelids.
26 For by means of a harlot A man is reduced to a crust of bread; And an adulteress will prey upon his precious life.
27 Can a man take fire to his bosom, And his clothes not be burned?
28 Can one walk on hot coals, And his feet not be seared?
29 So is he who goes in to his neighbor’s wife; Whoever touches her shall not be innocent.
30 People do not despise a thief If he steals to satisfy himself when he is starving.
31 Yet when he is found, he must restore sevenfold; He may have to give up all the substance of his house.
32 Whoever commits adultery with a woman lacks understanding; He who does so destroys his own soul.
33 Wounds and dishonor he will get, And his reproach will not be wiped away.
34 For jealousy is a husband’s fury; Therefore he will not spare in the day of vengeance.
35 He will accept no recompense, Nor will he be appeased though you give many gifts.


Rachel☺; said...

I find that if you really think about it we are pretty much committing adultery when we are morally wrong in a relationship with someone, and dont even know who they are yet! Because God has a person for you in the future, and seeing as you know that in your heart, doing or thinking anything before we are given our partner is like committing adultery against God. We can practice staying pure in our relationships with people now because it get even bigger of a deal in the future.

HADOKEN!!! said...

This is all about the sin of adultery. It tells us to keep this command close to us where ever we go. Always in our minds. Because even if you think about commiting adultry it is the same as doing it. So it tells us to have our wits about us and to always treat women with respect. Sorry this isn't longer I have class now :(

Pastor Lee said...

Thanks Alex! You are the man!

Buffalo Wild Wings Reward Activity!! Thanks for being faithful!

Stay Faithful and Join us Next Time!