FRIDAY April 25th, 2008

Well, I hope that all of you will be able to join us tonight at 7:00PM. We are ging to play a bunch of games and just have some plain fun! Tell your parents that we will be done around 11:00PM. Eat before you come, but we will have some snacks for everyone.

Stay faithful on your devo's this weekend! You all are doing a great job! It takes 28 days to form a habit. So on Sunday I am going to challenge you to commit to do your devotions every day for the next 28 days straight. This will form a healthy habit of getting into Gods word. I will give you the details on Sunday morning! Be in Sunday School!!! 9:15AM

A few thoughts from yesterday:
Jessica M: ..."Fun Sucker..." ??????? what in the world???
Cary: You are exactly Right! I am blessed! Arent I? We are praying for your Spanish and your Algebra!
Alex: You are so funny. In one comment you are yelling at Cary for "shouting" (with caps) and then the next commet you are saying... "This passage tells us that we are supposed to sing and shout". LOL that was funny.
Rachel: Great Analogy! I wish I would have thought of what you said about the "popo" whn they do a drug test, they have you walk in a straight line. If you are drunk then you cannot walk on the straight path. Great Thoughts~!
Jill: You spelled it close enough. Just replace the "s" with a "z" next time. Dont worry, I cant spell "Kacey" :)

Ephesians 5:22-33

22 Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord.
23 For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body.
24 Therefore, just as the church is subject to Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything.
25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her,
26 that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word,
27 that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.
28 So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself.
29 For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church.
30 For we are members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones.
31 “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.”
32 This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church.
33 Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.

What an incredible passage. I was talking to Phillip Carpenter about the devotions yesterday and he asked me "what does it mean to submit to others" (as it said at the end of yesterdays passage). I told him it simply means to serve and respect others with humility, in the same way that Christ did while He was on the earth. This word SUBMIT has become such a negative word in the thoughts of so many people today. But the reason why, is because they do not understand the wonderful truth conveyed in this passage. I will begin to explain it the way someone explained it to me: This passage teaches us that a woman should be willing to live for her Husband, and a Husband shoud be willing to Die for his wife. Both of these are very high demands, but when Love is involved we often volunteer to do these things. Lets start at verse 22. Wives submit. No one likes to submit, if they are proud, but when Christ came to earth he came with humility, and although He was God in the flesh. Creator of all mankind, he stooped down to SERVE mankind. What an amazing picture of love. Ladies you are to show your love by submission. A humble respectful way of serving the man that you love. If you dont think you can do that, then you havent found the right guy yet. Guys, hold your horses because if you are sitting there saying. Yes! My Wife has to serve me!! Than you are wrong. If you have a Godly wife then she will respect you, but think about how much easier it would be for her to respect you, if you were a respectable man. You should live your life to protect and serve your wife. Think about that: You both live for each other, to serve each other. God takes it to an even greater step for the Husband by telling them that they should love their wife the way that Christ loved the church. Christ died for the church. Ladies do you want a man that loves you so much, He will do anything to protect you? Well, That is exactly what God wants for you too! Dont listen to the world about issues like this. Simply trust Gods word, it will bring True Love, and True Happiness!


Rachel☺; said...

heyhey! im first :] andd im coming tonight but ill be late cause i have that dumb home/school thing that ends at 7.
This is describing what the unity through marriage (husband, wife, AND God) should be like. It says for the two to submit to each other and also to the Lord. So, it should be more than just two people in a marriage. wait. lol, well you know what im talking about.
This is kinda off topic and i probably sound dumb, but i havent really known what marriage is supposed to be & ive talk to my mom a lot about it due to some stuff. She always described marriage as two people who need support and thats why they marry. But it says here its more about submission and true caring. i knew she sounded a little off :]
Anyways, we cant 100 percent aplly this but i think we can still remember that the Lord should be the head of everything; our relationships with people (friends&suchother)

weird high school kid said...

So the passage says that we, the dudes, must honor our wives, when and if we get one, and that we, dudes again, are the head of the household. The passage even goes to say that we should be looking for HOT(Holy, Outstanding, and Teachable) wives kinda like what that one guy said when we were at the youth confrence in jacksonville. so then it goes on to say so us manly men will one day leave our mommy and daddy to go be with our wife.

FoOtBaLl XtReMiSt (cary) said...

heyhey! im second :] Well... Since im not married.... im going to say my thoughts in a teenagers point-of-view. when it says the wife needs to submit to the husband in a marrige, for a teenager, (obviously dosent have a wife!) the teenager should play the wife, and the husband should be played by whoever has authority over you.
Today teenagers are rebellious towards their parents, or better yet, anyone who has authority over them. ill admit... im NOT the most obedient kid ever but... im getting better ALOT better. (ask my mom) :) shes had to deal with me for 14 loooong years. but back to the point... kids go to school everyday in an enviornment were there are no parents to patrol what they do. and when a group of rebellious kids hang out alot... they are all going to start reflecting that at home toward their parents and toward their teachers. ok... now to the married part. obviously men are stronger then women. it would be kind of weird if the man was submitting the wife right!?!?! but... the husband does need to submitt to her... (in a sense) he should be open to what she has to say and what she thinks would be best to bennefit her and her family. she has the right to do that! and what the husband should do when she expresses what she thinks would be best. he says his idea and they agree TOGETHER as a UNITED COUPLE on what would help their family get by better. and then they both feel that they have made the right desicion. if the husband completely dominates the relationship, the wife will feel like she isnt needed and that will make her feel unwanted and unheard. now the wife shouldnt try to control the relationship either... the wife should submit to the husband just as if not more than the husband submitts to her. god made the husband the head of the home and i should probably guess that men have WAY better leadership skills then girls... thats how their made. a man should do the dirty work in the realationship (in a good sense) the husband was put in that family to lead that family. ok observe 2 families... i RICH family that has a father and mother that are completely independent in thinking, and have so agreements on what should be done to furthermore help that family... and then observe an AVERAGE family that has a loving husband and wife that are COMPLETELY UNITED,and that talk and agree about things that would further more help the family. see which one lasts longer. i GURANTEE YOU that the family with communication will be 100 times happier than the independent family. but all these things, communication, money, talks, are pointless in a good marrige if god isnt at the head. god is the ONLY way to true happiness in this life. if god isnt at the head of a family... then that family may look happy, but i gurantee you deep down inside that family is tearing apart. a good family needs have god as the head of their home. that is the happiest family you will find. seea guys 2night for a fun filled time!! peace out.

Tylermon33 said...

hey, what i got out of this was that the women should honor their husbands and the men should love their wives just as Christ loves us. it also says that we should treat our wives as we treat our own bodies because we arn't goint to treat our bodies bad so we shouldn't treat our wives bad. also the husbands should keep themselves pure for their wives and the wives the same for their husbands.
see ya tonight!!!

Gaby said...

I think this passage is talking about how husbands and wives should be in their relationships. the husband is the head or the authority and should be the person who is in charge but that he needs to love and respect his wife like he would if he was the wife. this is like the church because jesus is like the husband and we should all follow and submit to him and the church is like the wife who makes all decisions through Jesus or te husband.

Daemis WolfBorn said...

This passage says the husbands must love there wifes, and we are in charge of z house. Also the wife should honor her husband. Also the husband should keep himself pure for his wife.

The End?

Anonymous said...

Jessica Massey said....
Even though I am not married this is something that needs to be learned early on!
Here bwe see how wives need to obey there husbands which is so true! The man needs to be the bread winner also that is his role as the "man" :) But also both should respect each other and treat each other as they would treat themselves! Not much to say tonight I dont even know why hahah


HADOKEN!!! said...

This passage doesn't quite apply to us yet but it is good to keep in mind. It declares that wives should love their husbands as they love Christ and vice versa for husbands. It says to respect one another and to remember that you are the body of Christ and should act as such.

Amy said...

Basically this is saying that husbands love your wives and wives love your husbands. That the church may be pleased with your relationship. This does'nt really apply to me yet but I still need this whenever I am married.

Aznricerunr[PN] said...

This is saying that a wife should submit to their husbands and take care of them and love as they would love them selfs. The husbands should love their wifes and only their wifes and protect them from evil things. Both of them should never lust at any others and they should become one in each other. Is cool because when i look at husbands and wifes from church respect each other and seem to love each other but others not from church always fight and i don't want that i want a good relationship. thats what i got from the message.

Buffalo Wild Wings Reward Activity!! Thanks for being faithful!

Stay Faithful and Join us Next Time!