WEDNESDAY, May 21st, 2008


I hope that you bring someone with you. We are going to have a great service and it will be just a taste of what we are going to be doing each week of the summer.

So be here at 6:30ish and be ready to have a blast!

A Few Thoughts From Yesterday:
That One Kid: .... ... ...WHAT ONE KID!!!!!!!!!!!! (and what is a BA blog?)
Amy: As far as I am concerned you were the first one yesterday. "Hi" Does not count as a devotion :) And by the way: I never knew that you were menanites.
Jessica: So I am a Fellow Peasant, Huh?
Alex: Where is the application man!
Jessica B: TODAY HAS FINALLY COME! I am so excited about tonight! When David Archuletta wins! (Ok! And about you guys coming into youth group!)
Phil: Which phil is this? I tell you what, those were some great devos. I am glad your home page is WWW.DOYOURDEVOTIONS.COM
Rachel E: We will be praying for Michael. When are you leaving?
Rachel Mace: I loved your words when you said: "Todays application: application" I think we should all think about that AND DO IT. Let's not just type some nice words, but lets really APPLY this to our life ALL DAY LONG each day! Great Job!

John 1:43-51

43 The following day Jesus wanted to go to Galilee, and He found Philip and said to him, “Follow Me.”
44 Now Philip was from Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter.
45 Philip found Nathanael and said to him, “We have found Him of whom Moses in the law, and also the prophets, wrote—Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.”
46 And Nathanael said to him, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Philip said to him, “Come and see.”
47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward Him, and said of him, “Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no deceit!”
48 Nathanael said to Him, “How do You know me?” Jesus answered and said to him, “Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you.”
49 Nathanael answered and said to Him, “Rabbi, You are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!”
50 Jesus answered and said to him, “Because I said to you, ‘I saw you under the fig tree,’ do you believe? You will see greater things than these.”
51 And He said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, hereafter you shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of Man.”

This is such a great passage. I am going to share 3 main applications with you.
1. (Verses 43-46) Jesus walks up to Phillip and tells him to "Follow me", so Phillip does, but I think that it is so cool that Phillip didnt just follow by himself. Phillip went and got Nathanael and said, you have got to see this!!! I have found the messiah! Then Phillip tells Nathanael: "Come and see". That is Great. Christ has called us to "take up our cross and FOLLOW HIM" the question is: Do you follow him alone or have you gotten people to follow God with you? How many people have you had a part in leading to the Lord? If none yet, then lets start today, by asking our friends to come along with us and see Jesus. (At church, in your devotions, in your testimony...)

2. (Verse 48) This goes hand in hand with the last application: Nathanael walks up to Jesus and Jesus is like: Hey, you are an Israelite. Nathanael is taken back... He says "WOW!! HOW DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM!!" then Jesus tells him, I knew who you were even before Phillip went to talk to you. The truth is, that Christ knows of people in yours and my life that will Accept Him if we do our part in inviting them. Christ knows you and He knows your friends... but He wants you and your friends to know HIM!

3. (Verse 49-51) THIS IS MY FAVORITE PART!
Nathanael says to Jesus: "MASTER!! YOU MUST BE THE SON OF GOD! THE KING OF ISRAEL!!" and Jesus responds back like this... "You mean to tell me that you believe I am God, just because I told you that you were standing under a tree??" Then Jesus basically says to Nathanael something that they tell you At the Magic Kingdom on Thunder Mountain: "hold on to them hats and glasses, cause this here's the wildest ride in the wilderness!!" (Remember that?)

Jesus tells Nathanael, if you think that is something, then you better hold on, because that is NOTHING compared to the amazing things you are going to see when you hang out with me.

The same thing is true for us: We think that life is good... well Just imagine if you completely surrendered... Just imagine if you followed God with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind... What an incredible ride this would be. Then my last thought is this: While we are enjoying this incredible ride through life with Christ, I can hear Jesus saying: You think this is something... You Just WAIT!!! UNTIL WE GET TO HEAVEN!!!!!!

How cool is that!
Pastor Lee


weird high school kid said...

Why is it that there is nothing on today i want to do my devotions sooooooooooooooooooooo badly, but i can't. Grrrrrrrrr. somebody please put something up so that i may do something today other than just rant on about how there is nothing to write about. I shall return at 3:26 and there better be something here to write about. Oh and pastor lee i just did my devos that i forgot to do for the past couple days.

weird high school kid said...

Alrighty then I think I finally understand what these last couple passages are trying to convey to us, but I’ll leave that for later. So jesus sees phil and tells him to follow jesus. So phil goes and finds nate and tells the dude yo I found jesus the guy from Nazareth that everyone is talking about, and nate just says back what good can come from where he’s from. So phil being a follower of jesus says dude just come see him. So when jesus saw him he says hey Israelite and nates all like how do you know me. So jesus just says yeah you were that one guy in that one tree over there. So now nate is dumbfounded and exclaims YES YOU ARE THE SON OF GOD!!! And jesus is all like you think that just cause I saw you in a tree, man I can do so much more if you just believe in me. So I think these last few passages are just trying to tell us just drop what we have lay it all on jesus and follow him cause he knows what’s right for us.

Amy :) said...

Pastor Lee we are not mennonits but the guy at the beach thought we were.

Ok devotion time!
Jesus knows our family and friends hearts and its God's plans for them to come to Him. We need to be like Phillip and bring them to Jesus with love and the right words to say! With God all things are possible. Your family members & your friends can come to know Christ all because you stepped in and let them to Him.

Anonymous said...

lol wow no one knows who i am sweet!!! i guess ill just pop in and out see how yall have done.

Anonymous said...

pastor lee i'm soooooo excited about tonidgt to for the same reasons(ARCHULETTA ROCKS)see you in 20 min.

todays pasage is about how jesus found philip and said "follow me" and how jesus talks to nathaniel and the first thing he is thinking is how on earth does this man know me?!?!?!and jesus answer saying i saw you under the fig tree and then it hits nathaniele that he is the son of god!

I got to go im leaving for church now!!! see you then!!!

Anonymous said...

This passage is so exciting! What great things behold us if we take up our cross and follow Jesus. More importantly we must share this with our friends so that not just one person is walking behind Jesus but the entire earth. It is kind of like when we won a big prize, it is doubtful that we will keep it to ourselves, we want to tell everyone. The same should go for the Lord. I think that we should all try to spread the word of God in stead of gossip, that would be a good change.
Pastor Lee: I am leaving for USF on the 22nd of June. I am nervous but also excited. I am going to need a lot of prayer because a lot of my teachers and the students are very against Christians.
- Rachel E.

Amanda said...

Okay,. so pretty much.. my hair is disgusting! =/ lol-- im going to have to take a longggg shower! =))

anyways.. DEVOTIONS!
I think you pretty much stated it all... Nathanial is surprised that Jesus knew that he was underneath the fig tree or whatever.. and He pretty much states that wow, you think this is amazing.. and your that "wowwww'd" by it.. then you havent seen anything yet. You were recruited by Philip and you became a follower of God. Now you will see so many incredible things in your life, as long as you have me beside you.

Sorry I havent been doing my devotions lately!

Thanks for the monster and candy Pastor Lee!!!! =))

Anonymous said...

Hey pastor Lee. that was a great message today. it makes me want to be like shadraq meshaq and ibindigo. i want to stand up for whats right know matter what happens. i felt like that messae really touchd my heart i want to be one of those leaderrs you were talking about pastor Lee. i think it is awesome how phillip brought someone else to go see Jesus. i remember when i was like 8 iencouraged Ethan to go to church with me thus soleading him to christ and the rest of his family. it was one of the greatest feelings in the world.

p.s. i wonder how many times phillip is gonna have to wash his hair cause of all the gel. lol haha

ok dokey be on tommorow. you rock pastor Lee. :]

Tylermon33 said...

what i got from this was that Phillip was asked by Jesus to follow Him so He could tell Phillip about Himself, which is amazing because if i just saw Jesus i wouldn't wait for Him to ask me to follow Him i would follow Him in a heart beat. also after Phillip told Nathanael that Jesus was here and that He came from Nazareth, the first thing to pop into my head wouldn't be does anything good come from Nazareth, it would be where is He and let me see Him. also when Jesus came to Nathanael and said behold an Israelite and he said how did you know my name and He said I saw you before Phillip called you over hear, he said behold Jesus the Son of God. Jesus said you know Me for the little thing I just did then just wait untill the big things happen later on. i would be so amazed and speachless if that happened to me i probably wouldn't know what to do.

Anonymous said...

Ok this passage is saying that that they were collecting people to go with Jesus and Jesus came up to a man and knew who he was and the man believed in Jesus because he should something amazing that he knew who he was even though he never meat him and this says to me that we shouldn’t have to wait until something good or bad to happen before we believe in Jesus we should believe in him just because and I experience with this because the group KORN is a heavy metal group and the lead singer was on drugs and doing just HORRIBLE in life until he had a supernatural experience and that’s what led him to Jesus Christ and we shouldn’t wait until something like that happens.
P.S. I had fun tonight at church.

Jessica M said...

DAVID COOK?..... What the heck? NO, BAD, BAD, BAD.
David Archuletta you are still a star in my eyes hahaha

What a bunch of neat passages today! Philip went up to Nathaniel and said hey I have found the Messiah! He is the Jesus of Nazareth! He tells him to come and see for himself. In these passages we see a few application and may ask ourselves things like Can anything good come from our church, our youth group? We could even come to a point where we believe less and less of what people tell us. The "Doubting Thomases" are everywhere! Can I lead people to Christ? Of course I can! How? Bringing them to church, tell them about HIM ect.
I GUESS YOU COULD SAY WHEN IN DOUBT CHECK IT OUT. Like Philip said to Nathaniel. Because we find when we check it out the doubts will disappear. Phillip had no doubts maybe some questions later on but he was straight on following the Lord. But that wasn’t the case with Nathaniel. Most of us are like Nathaniel! But like Nathaniel he went t the lord and had his doubts cleared out. If you’re not convinced that Jesus is the only way than you are wrong but also don't turn away! Keep checking it out!
Pastor LEE…I love THUNDER MOUNTAIN you hear that cowboy thing say that and than you head off into the wilderness and it gets really loud…I love it!!!

Good day to all


HADOKEN!!! said...

Jesus goes up to Philip and tells him to follow Him. But, before Philip goes to follow Jesus he goes and tells his friend to come along. As christians, we need to practice this very thing. We need to start bringing our friends to church. And it goes on to tell us that Jesus knew this man before he was ever brought over to Him. Just as He knew who we were before who were made. Philip's friend recognizes Jesus as THE SAVIOR!

Daemis WolfBorn said...

This passage is saying that we need to go out and get more followers for Christ. We need tell others about Christ because he is the only one that can save them. We need to follow Christ because without him we can not do anything. Were just lost souls wandering in circles.

I don't like American idol. A lot of drama then there is that jerk Simon hes weird.

Rachel☺; said...

sorry i missed this yesterday, i had a bad night. its no excuse, i knowww, but im making it up.
Well, we know were supposed to follow God, but were not supposed to stop there. We need to be bringing other people to Him too. You not only do something amazing when you get lead your friends to Christ, you feel great and you are living your Christian mission. I know im especially bad at it lately, but i know my big purpose right now is to witness and im trying.

Anonymous said...

"Ok so, whenever I try to see the comments and then post one, it's saying 'Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage'. So Amanda is posting this for me, (:

Ok, so basically Jesus is saying that if Nathanael thought that he was the Son of God just because Jesus knew who he was then he hasn't seen anything yet. He is saying that there is so many greater things that He can do. That is so true. Whatever great things we see now, are only a glipse of what He is capable of. I'm so glad that we have such a powerful God. (:"


Jillian said...

well it seems like no matter what devotion it is it always turns out to be related to witnessing and bring peole to Jesus =]
we should be like phillip and not jsut follow jesus by ourselves but we should be excited and want to get others to follow with us because the world would just be a happier place lol and its so much nicer to be around christian people than non christians so since thats the case y dont we just have all our friends around us follow Jesus too bring them to church thats a start =]and if you really care about them and truely are theyer friend you would invit them to church because how can you go with out letting someone have the chance to learn about Jesus =]

Jillian said...

well it seems like no matter what devotion it is it always turns out to be related to witnessing and bring peole to Jesus =]
we should be like phillip and not jsut follow jesus by ourselves but we should be excited and want to get others to follow with us because the world would just be a happier place lol and its so much nicer to be around christian people than non christians so since thats the case y dont we just have all our friends around us follow Jesus too bring them to church thats a start =]and if you really care about them and truely are theyer friend you would invit them to church because how can you go with out letting someone have the chance to learn about Jesus =]

Gaby said...

Ahh these devos are all so cool! im amazed at how awesome jesus is and what coool powers he has hes like the ultimate superhero. anywho basically this guy phil meets this other guy nate and hes like dude you gotta meet this guy from Nazereth hes like the son of god and nazareth was a bad town so nates like yeah rite like anyone good is from there and then he meets JC and Jc's all like i knew you before philip even knew you and saw you under the fig tree and he wouldnt have known that so nate knows he really is god.

App: this is reminding us of philips complete trust in god and how he got up and followed god simply becaz he asked and we all need to remember to do that. It seems like the more im trying to be more godly and wok on my life the more satan is attacking me...but i realized he wouldnt be doing that if i wasnt a threat to him or if i wasnt doing something satan was trying to preven me from.

Anonymous said...

GIT-R-DONE-lol- nate was astounded by Jesus just seeing him under a tree ehhh???

Christ is RIGHT! If he's amazed by THAT, than what he'll c/experiance on the walk/journey w/christ...he'll b awww struck by the things 2 come!!!

Phil recruited nate & wanted 2 share his "big prize" as sum1 mentioned & wanted 2 share it...

we should do the same(bring people 2 christ)

It's amazing how Christ knew who nate was BEFORE phil brought him...i had a though...but i 4got it...O YEAH!!!

Pastor lee said:"Christ knows you and He knows your friends... but He wants you and your friends to know HIM!

Christ knows who WE are but that's not enough...WE need to know HIM...& HOW r people supposed 2 know HIM if nobody tells them???

our daily job as children of Christ is 2 help bring people 2the lord...We found an AMAZING LIFE CHANGING THING....why NOT share it???

i've brough a few people 2 the lord & im DEFINATLY NOT 1 2 get emotional OR cry...but lemmy tell chokes me up & has me cryin when i bring sum1 2 him who was LOST...=] if that's not rewarding enough knowing THAT THEY'RE GOIN 2 HEAVEN!!!&
i love it...

Buffalo Wild Wings Reward Activity!! Thanks for being faithful!

Stay Faithful and Join us Next Time!