TUESDAY, May 20th, 2008

I thought that trying to get 100 visitors on the site yesterday would be a little to much for a goal, but I wanted to see it met anyway. But you all blew me out of the water with 170 visitors YESTERDAY! How incredible is that! I am so praoud of you all! Keep up the good work!

A Few Thoughts from Yesterday:
Well, yesterday was a great day. If you did your devotions more than four days last week then you were invited to join us last night for a good time. We started out at McD's and ate and ate and ate. Then we all voted on where to go and we decided to Go out to the beach at Boca Grande. It was Beautiful! The pictures at the top of the page are from last night. It is pretty obvious we had a great time! We took 105 pictures in 40 minutes! That was FUN! If you were not there, PLEASE BE FAITHFUL! You never know when your faithfulness will be rewarded!

Honorable Mention to: Josh L, Tyler, Amy and Booke, who were not able to make it last night. We missed you!

Sarah: I Love That Movie! Our Next Reward Trip should be to come over to your house and watch it!! :)
McCue: Bye Man! We Love You! We Will Miss You! Dont Die in Boot Camp!
Alex: Good Job on the Devos Man! We missed you tonight, I thought you were going to tag along?
Anne Onna Miss: I am not sure who you are, but I guess that is the point. One thing you can be sure about though is that we will not make fun of you on here. This is a place where you dont have to worry about that. (Because if anyone does... Then I DOG PILE THEM!!)
TYLER: Sorry about yesterday man! If I would have known that you couldnt come because it was just Ice Cream, then I would have DEFINITELY CALLED you! We did not decide to go to the beach until like 10 minutes before we were at the beach. We missed you man!
Gaby: I definitely agree with you. There are times in the Bible where it sure does seem like God has a sense of Humor.
Mr. Carl: I Agree! Lets Turn This Town, Upside Down! (For Christ)

John 1:29 - 42
29 The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!
30 This is He of whom I said, ‘After me comes a Man who is preferred before me, for He was before me.’
31 I did not know Him; but that He should be revealed to Israel, therefore I came baptizing with water.”
32 And John bore witness, saying, “I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and He remained upon Him.
33 I did not know Him, but He who sent me to baptize with water said to me, ‘Upon whom you see the Spirit descending, and remaining on Him, this is He who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.’
34 And I have seen and testified that this is the Son of God.”
35 Again, the next day, John stood with two of his disciples.
36 And looking at Jesus as He walked, he said, “Behold the Lamb of God!”
37 The two disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus.
38 Then Jesus turned, and seeing them following, said to them, “What do you seek?” They said to Him, “Rabbi” (which is to say, when translated, Teacher), “where are You staying?”
39 He said to them, “Come and see.” They came and saw where He was staying, and remained with Him that day (now it was about the tenth hour).
40 One of the two who heard John speak, and followed Him, was Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother.
41 He first found his own brother Simon, and said to him, “We have found the Messiah” (which is translated, the Christ).
42 And he brought him to Jesus. Now when Jesus looked at him, He said, “You are Simon the son of Jonah. You shall be called Cephas” (which is translated, A Stone).

This passage is SO COOL!!!!! Let me explain: It starts out with John again and he is still baptizing people, when a man catches his eye. John looks up and loses track of what is going on, because He sees the Man that God told him to look for; the man that had the Holy Spirit descending upon him. When John saw this man, He immediatley STOPPED! And SHOUTED! BEHOLD! (LOOK, THERE HE IS) THE LAMB OF GOD, WHO WILL TAKE AWAY THE SIN OF THE WORLD.

Why does John call Him "The lamb of God"?
Because in time past the sinners would have to sacrifice a spotless lamb to pay for their sins. Now, Jesus, "the spottless lamb" would pay for all of mans sin for all time. You see the little spottless lamb never paid for anyones sin, but that was simply a way that the people before Christ could show that they believe Christ would come. Now we live on the other side, and we simply "accept" Christ into our lives, because of His Sacrifice for us! Pretty Remarkable Huh!

I think it is so cool that John had never met Jesus Before, (He kept on saying: I did not know Him) But the moment that Jesus Caught Johns eyes, John knew who he was. HERE IS THE COOL PART: We also have the Holy Spirit in our lives NOW, and we should be just as eye catching to the lost as Christ was back at this time. People should see us, and just be shocked to see how we act, as we are controlled by the Spirit of God.

Quickly: I will tell you another cool story from verse 35 on: So it is the next day, and Two disciples walk up to Jesus ans say: Master, where do you stay? That question is so important; they are basically asking Jesus where do you live, Where did you come from, Who are you?? And Christ answers back, you want to know WHO I AM? WHAT I AM ALL ABOUT? WHERE I HAVE COME FROM AND WHERE I AM GOING?? THEN COME WITH ME!

How cool is that! Christ says, if you want to get to know me, then walk with me. That is what we are doing and should be doing daily walking with Jesus Christ through the word of God.

Teenagers! What do you think about this passage! See You Wednesday!!


Anonymous said...


Amy :) said...

Yea I'm first today.

Jesus taketh away the sin of the world by dieing on the cross for us. Jesus sent John to witness and to baptize people. As Christians we need to sacrifice our spotless lamb (our all) to Christ like He sacrificed himself to us He gave us His all. As Christians we should have a humble attitude and a Christ-like example so people notice. The other day at the beach after church me and my sister were walking back to the car and a guy stopped us and said "are you guys meninits?" (because we where still our church clothes) and in my mind I thought whats that? but then I knew it was a religion I was about to say we are Baptist and then my sister had to blurt out "We are American" and he said "Oh ok its nice for you to be wearing that its a good example to your religion."

The last little thing that you wrote is very awesome. We should be walking with Jesus getting to know Him more and to get in the word with Him everyday to find our more about Him each and everyday.

See you Wednesday! - This is my last Wednesday until the 19th of June!! I will miss you guys!

Jessica M said...

Yesterday was really funn and sooo were all the pics...Can't wait until next time!

What did I get from these passages? Well, let me tell you...John sees Jesus in the distance and comes out with this incredible, "Here is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world." John was sent as a servant of Christ to show the world the "good news" and to baptize them. Than he received the opportunity to baptize Christ himself....that is just soo neat! What a honor!
It is also cool when Christ says that if you want to be with me and walk with me than do exactly that and walk with me, follow me, and He says he will make us fisher’s of men!!!
By doing our devotions daily that is exactly what we can do to take a step closer towards HIM. The only one who can save us from this awful world we live in. From all the "poop" we have to deal with.

Application for me: That walking with Christ daily is the best thing hat I can do for my life. It is truly the best medicine for my hurting life. That reminds me PASTOR LEE READY? DRUM ROLLLLLL.....Just a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down, the medicine go dowwnnn the medicine go down. Just a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down in the most delightful way. haaha :)

:)So long for now my fellow peasants....cya tomorrow at youth!

Anonymous said...

Sorry but i believe that one kid was on first amy!

Hey BA blog guys thnx for it.

HADOKEN!!! said...

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! McCue is gone! Sorry I missed tagging along yesterday, I was doin some chores. This passage is really cool. It starts out with John baptizing people when off in the distance he sees Jesus and immediatly he knew that that was the Messiah. It's so cool that John had never seen Jesus before and had probably seen many people walk by as he was baptizing but he could just tell that He was Christ.

Anonymous said...

hey i cant beleive we had 170 people on our site yesterday!!!!!!! well today's passage talks about how john sees the lamb of God(jesus)who he is told to look for by God,and just shouts out there look it's the lamb of god who has come to take away our sins!!and these guys start to ask him where he lives and were he came from and he says if you want to know then folow me!Wow, if some guys that just met jesus will follow him why cant we?we sould all be able to give up a few hours a week for jesus.just think he gave up his whole life for you.

can't wait till toworow!!finaly our countdown is over pastor lee!!!yeah!!!!well see you tomorow!

Tylermon33 said...

hey what i got from this was that John was told that Jesus was coming and that he would recognise Him by the Holy Spirit, and when he saw Him he yelled out behold the Lamb of God (Lamb of God, meaning that He would die spotless withoug sin for us, the sinner) who will take away the sin of the earth. the only reason i think he new it was Jeses was because of the way He acted towards people and just how gentle He was. people should know we are different by the way we act, and hopefully we act kind and Christ like. also what i got from this was that 2 other guys with John saw Jesus and wanted to know about Him, so they asked Him who are you and He said follow Me and I will tell you who I am. we should want to be that knowing about God.

Anonymous said...

Wow! anne onna miss haha great name.....i guess it's anonymous oh well idk. ok so pretty much it begins with john saying "yo it's jesus! tha man who will destroy evil from the world!" then he says "this is the guy i said would come after me but be liked more than me because he was always there before me." after which he says that he didn't know him but he knew he was coming to Israel so John came to baptize people. then he said he witnessed the spirit descending from heaven like a dove and he (i'm guessing here) stayed with jesus (done guessing for now) John didn't know him but he sent john to baptize people and he said with whom you see the spirit come down with, and remaining on him, this is the one who baptizes with the holy spirit.
i guess that means the spirit descending is the one who can save the people and admit them into heaven. and John testifies that this is the son of god. LATER THAT WEEK! John was standing around with two of his disciples chatting over some coffee then he saw jesus walking he said behold! it is the lamb of God! they heard john and decided to stalk jesus then jesus turned and noticed them andsaid what do you seek? they then replied teacher where are you staying?! and he said come and find out. they went and stayed and played board games and got to know each other and what not until 10 o'clock. one of these disciples that followed jesus was andrew,simon peter's bro. he first found simon his brother and said we found the christ. they brought him to the messiah and he joined the club and his new name is now rocky! i like that name ok so there you have a story about a man named rocky!

see ya next time at
DOYOURDEVOTIONS.COM! which is my new hompage so i'll never forget

Anonymous said...

they also made prank phone calls!

Sarah Watkins said...

yeah thatll be cool 2 watch that movie it never gets old.haha

just let God live through you and people will stop and look at you and see how much you changed and you just tell them just 2 believe in Jesus and he will take you anywhere and you will much happier with your life.=)

Anonymous said...

Ok so this passage is about Jesus coming to town and John protesting to everyone that Jesus is here and that spoke to me because we should be just like that actually we shouldn’t even have to tell everyone who Jesus is are example of life should show it. Mother Theresa said a prayer to Jesus every day and she said this which is amazing "Dear Jesus, help me to spread Thy fragrance everywhere I go. Flood my soul with Thy spirit and love. Penetrate and possess my whole being so utterly that all my life may only be a radiance of Thine. Shine through me and be so in me that every soul I come in contact with may feel Thy presence in my soul. Let them look up and see no longer me but only Jesus. Stay with me and then I shall begin to shine as you shine, so to shine as to be a light to others."
And I think this an amazing thing and we should all show the example to everyone who Jesus is so that they will want to know more about him.

Anonymous said...

Since we aren't living in the day of the Lord we can't just get up and walk along with Christ. OR SO WE THINK. The good news I got from this passage was that we can still walk with Christ, not physically but metaphorically for sure. Like Jessica said, when we do our devotions we are then walking with the Lord. This is also true of reading our bibles and praying. John was one of God's chosen people and he still didn't know the Lord upon seeing him. So what I am asking myself is; How well do I know the Lord? I can always get closer to the Lord and I hope to strengthen my ways through Jesus and my devotionals and church. Six more days left of high school and then I am moving on to USF. GO BULLS.

See you all tomorrow.

- Rachel E.


Rachel☺; said...

Just as John saw Jesus and was like "woah, thats Jesus!" people should see us Christians and think "woah, theres Jesus!" as well (of course not thinking we ARE Jesus, but seeing Him in us)because Christ should be evident in our lives.
We should reflect in our lives what we are believing and absorbing through or devotions and church so that people can recognize Christ through us because He isnt physically here anymore.
Its obvious how we can do that, (devotions, church, prayer,) but the hard part is actually doing it. My application is application today, lol. i need to eat my own words and really mirror what i say here in my devotions and learn through the bible so that God can use me and be shown through me as supposed.

KhalansMommy said...

Ladies and Gentlemen of Suncoast Baptist Youth Group ...
Can I just say how AWESOME you ALL are!!
You are so encouraging to Rob and I!
We are so thankful to see your love for the Lord!
We appreciate the time we get to spend with all of you so much!
I remember not too very long ago when I was in youth group and the internet was not quite as accessible for a bit of the time (considering we had to pay by the hour - man am I feeling old!).

Anyways .. you all are so blessed to have this time to spend with one another every day! Keep up living for the Lord! I so look forward to seeing what God has in store for each and every one of you! Especially this month with a few of you graduating!

Praise God for Pastor Lee and Mrs. Katie - can I get an AMEN!!
They love you guys so much and truly are a gift to all of us from God above!
(We appreciate your friendship so much Tomlin family!)

Thanks again kids for being such an encouragement to us!

We will have to bring so of ya'll to some movies over the summer!

Keep up the AWESOME work! You are all such a blessing to our family!

I'll tell you I was thinking about the message Pastor Lee was preaching on on Wednesday night and He is SOOO right! If I can give you any advice .. it would be to just keep your eyes focused on the Lord! I know we may all sometimes sound like "boring old adults," but trust us - we do know what we are talking about - sin ONLY leads to heartache and hurt. Man do I wish that I had listened to my youth pastors, pastors, parents etc.

You often can't take back past events good, bad, or indifferent, but always know that the Lord is there with you every minute since before you were born until after you are home for all eternity He is ever faithful! He is so wonderfully and obviously touching your lives so beautifully, molding you to help fulfill His perfect plan!

We love you guys!

Shaunna - a.k.a. Khalan's Mommy


I know I didn't comment on the verses - but for tonight I simply wanted to say what I felt - thanks again!

weird high school kid said...

so john just says yo look there's jesus the guy i was talking about earlier. Then john saw a dove descending from heaven saying yo this jesus guy baptise him. so Then after john exclaimed yo there's jesus some disciples asked jesus where he was staying and jesus told them to follow him. Then he gave simon peter's brother a new name.

Aznricerunr[PN] said...

Yesterday was so fun and if you could can you possible send those pics to me or sumthing because I want them.Wow jessica its so funny when you sing wow and you know like every song in the world. your like a portable ipod!

I think this is taking about us and getting excited about jesus. After I came back from the wilds i was so on fire for God and I need to be like that all the time! The fire should never burn out and we need to feed the fire with the word of God and by saving people and bringing them to Christ. By reading the bible every day we can grow closer to him and walk with him more often and create a relationship with him. THen we will have the fire everyday and it will never burn out

Anonymous said...

That's pretty cool...he just...BAMMMMM!...KNEW!

I agree w/Tylermon33...I think he recognized it was jesus in the way he acted & presented himself=](which is what we should be doing)

Although we can't PHYSICALLY walk beside Christ, we've still got him in our hearts & people should know we're children of God NOT cuz we tell them...but it should b 4 the way we present ourselves...

& when the guys asked where Christ was staying & he said follow me...It makes me think that its not enough just 2 know who Christ is by just simply asking...but in waslking WITH him & having FAITH...we cant physically walk w/him 2 show us who/what he is...but that's what the bible's4...

we should walk in the light w/Christ & present ourselves as CHRIST LIKE people=] <3<3<3

Buffalo Wild Wings Reward Activity!! Thanks for being faithful!

Stay Faithful and Join us Next Time!