THURSDAY, May 15th, 2008

GET A FREE CHICKEN SANDWICH AT MCDONALDS TODAY! (when you buy a drink)... another one of those "catches".
We had a great time last night! I hope you were there with us! If not then please make plans to attend next week when we have set a goal of 40 teenagers. Bring a friend as we try to build up our youth group over the summer.

ALSO, we made it our goal to have 30 devotions today, so call all your friends that have commented before, and remind them to do their devotions today.

A Few Thoughts From Yesterday:
Pastor Chip: Good to see you on here! Thanks for checking us out!
Jon: Great illustration man! It is good to know that you are listening!
Jill: You want to know if I will count THAT as your devotions???? Are you joking?? J/K!! YES! The point is to do them, not to get them posted right :) I counted it! Greate Job anyway :)
Kacey: Great to see you back! We all missed you very much!
Rachel: Copy your devos before you post them and that will help you out if they get deleted. :)

Philippians 4:10-23
10 But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now at last your care for me has flourished again; though you surely did care, but you lacked opportunity.
11 Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content:
12 I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.
13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
14 Nevertheless you have done well that you shared in my distress.

15 Now you Philippians know also that in the beginning of the gospel, when I departed from Macedonia, no church shared with me concerning giving and receiving but you only.
16 For even in Thessalonica you sent aid once and again for my necessities.
17 Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that abounds to your account.
18 Indeed I have all and abound. I am full, having received from Epaphroditus the things sent from you, a sweet-smelling aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well pleasing to God.
19 And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
20 Now to our God and Father be glory forever and ever. Amen.
21 Greet every saint in Christ Jesus. The brethren who are with me greet you.
22 All the saints greet you, but especially those who are of Caesar’s household.
23 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

Once again there is a lot in these verses: If you dont understand it all, write your comments on something that you do understand the passage. Obviously the red writing in verse 11 is very important to the passage. Paul is sitting in Prison, and he tells the church of Phillipi that he has learned in whever state he is in, that he should be content. He has learned to be happy wherever God has planted him. It is easy for me to be content where I am now, BECAUSE I AM SO BLESSED! But it is hard for me to imagine being trapped in prison for doing something for God: being separated from my family, my firends, from my church. I don't know that It would be so easy to agree with Paul if my life was like his. What a great testimony.
It reminds me of the summer before I came to Suncoast. I was a counselor at the wilds and about half way through the summer I was ready to leave because I was so excited about coming here. I talked with pastor Chip and told him, I AM READY TO COME THERE. and I remember he said: "we are ready for you to come too, but remember God has you there for a reason, so BLOSSOM where you are PLANTED. In other words, be content where God has you right now.

Verse 13 is a very famous verse. If you dont have it memorized... You Should! It is pretty simple and it is a great reminder of what you have the ability to do with Christs strength. (like avoid sin, witness, love unconditionally, forgive) You can do all of those things and much more with Christ strength.

Then verse 14-15 are kind of funny because Paul tells the people, Thank you for giving me all of this stuff, but then Paul goes on to explain: Get this: I am glad that you gave me stuff, not for my own benefit, but I am glad because God will pour out even more blessings in your life because of how you bless others.

Once again: I would be like. Thank you!!!!! I am so glad that you gave this to me. I WOULD BE GLAD FOR MYSELF. NOT FOR YOU. Yet Paul was not focused on himself. He was content with whatever God did in His life!

Are you content with what God is doing in your life? I hope you are. If not, choose to be. Your attitude is your choice.


Anonymous said...

1st dibz!!!
i just did wed. & it was MASSIVE LONG!!! lets c...

Philippians 4:13 IS an amazing verse...u say it all the time pastor lee=]

before i got in trouble i wasnt very happy w/what i had in my life...i took it 4 granted...
NOW...when everythings gone...i appreciate it sooo much more...
itz opened my eyes & is making me less selfish...otherz have it WAY worse...(not sayin i have it bad AT ALL...cuz i DONT)

My mom's job requires her to be gone ALOT...I know there's times when she just wants 2 quit & b home w/my fam. but she sticks in there...

i think of her job like bein makes her stay away from friends & family...& even as bad as the hours are, she sticks in there 4 me, dad & my bro=]

I live the life i do as a result of her "being in prison" & my fam r just innocent bistandards who "didnt no the lord"...(sorry 4 goin all metaphoric on yall-lol-)

Even though she not around during the week, she...we...appriciate it...God is using her to do good in us...I've slipped up quite a bit lately...but when i think about it...(mom's work) it makes me appreciate her THAT MUCH MORE...

She "suffers in prison" 2 better us=](she likes her job btw! just the long hrz=[)

She sticks in there & i think Philippians 4:13...she does it w/CHRISTS help...I believe he helps her out & keeps her sane...ya know???

ooo! & shez coming home 2morrow=] =]=] =] =] =] =] <3<3<3<3<3<3

k...well...i gotta get back 2 work...wait thatz DONE!!!this is getting complicated!!!

ive got 10 days of skool left pastor lee & summer's coming...PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE talk 2 my parentz SOON!

i dont wanna go an entire summer w/o doing devotions!!!

Rachel☺; said...

i do copy it, but it doesnt work because when it deletes it, its because internet explorer stopped working & the computer restarts :/
on to devotions that lets hope wont delete :]
idk if i got necessarily all of this passage, but i did get something.
being content; im pretty content most of the time and cant really think of something off the top of my head that i have a big problem with, but theres got to be something.. ohpp. just kidding, i just though of one, lol.
when you are self concious is it being discontent? if it is, its something i need to fix sometimes. in that case, i find it really hard to be content, but Paul was content and look at where he was! being content also has a lot to with your attitude and to have a positive/Godly one, we need to be content.

Rachel☺; said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rachel☺; said...

wow, i sounded bipolar there :/

weird high school kid said...

Oh pastor lee i forgot to tell you I yagami am the old kyeduto so the past 3 days yes joshua laperriere has done his devotions.

Wow this passage is AMAZING!!! So paul was rejoicing in the lord being all happy and such, and then he gets thrown in jail. So now he's sitting in prison with next to nothing yet still being the AMAZING man he is says that he is content. I would be able to understand that nowadays you know being content with jail, but back then they didn't have cable t.v., three square meals a day, plumbing, and I'm not sure but I don't believe they had a matress for their bed. now the next verse sent me for a loop but i think it may mean that he knows how that even though he is hungry he may make the food he has last and to find enough sustinance. Especially since he has christ on his side which he states in verse 13. So then paul goes on to say hey thanks for sharing my troubles. Then he goes on in verse 15 and beyond thanks for you guys have supported me along the whole way, and even though you may be giving me blessing you shall also revieve blessing for thy kindness and generousity. Then for some reason i can't figure out paul says hey greet this person and that dude oh and that guy over there as well. So finally a famous word you can find in many books in the bible as a final word AMEN!

Hey pastor lee I'll get chris to go on later today and call him up. We shall get 30 people.

Amy :) said...

God has big, big plans for your life and He is still working in it. If someone gave me something really big and cool I would be like thank you sooo much and not even think about what God will bless the giver with. Paul in jail being bored out of his mind about to go insane is still content to God and witnesses to the other prisoners. Wow! If I were in prison I would be not content I would probably be mad at God and just have a hatful attitude and not trust God with the plans that He has for my life. This year I went to Christian school and I almost cried because I had to go I really wanted to go to the public school because they have more stuff and all my other friends are there and then when God put me in the Christian school I am very thankful that He put in this school and have had a very good year. I am very content. But I cant be mad at God for the decisions my parents make or the mistakes that I make or anybody else. God has special plans for my life and your life and we just need to take the plans that He makes in our lives and we need to be content and not have a bad attitude about them.

McCue said...

Oh yes. To learn to be content in whatever state. Such an important skill. I am growing in this area work can always be done on my part but god will help. Being able to count your blessings no matter how terrible you are feeling is important. If nothing else, look at what you are doing now. You have the opportunity to sit on a computer and get closer to God while some people don't even have the Word of God to study. We live in an amazing Nation founded on Biblical principles. No matter how far from them we have come we can still see that we are blessed in America. "I can do All things through Christ who strengthens me" this is going to be a big one over my summer. I know at times I'm going to feel down and out and I can't keep working. But I know without a doubt that with God backing me I can tackle mountains, and proceed through even the shadow of death. Trust is all we need. A trust that God will continue to press on. Now this inspiration kind of came out at me from nowhere. So stick with me.
I don't know if you guys like Reliant K, I do.
They have a song called forward motion. And I kind of thought of it today It says something like

"Cause I struggle with forward motion
I struggle with forward motion
We all struggle with forward motion
Cause forward motion is harder than it sounds
Well everytime I gain some ground
I gotta turn myself around again
Its harder than it sounds
Well everytime I gain some ground
I gotta turn myself around again"
So it spoke to me we sin and make mistakes but the important thing is that we keep pressing on and forsake the sin just like David had done with Bathsheba.
And if ever we aren't feeling like we can move forward we can look to the verse 13 here.
Coupled with the words of Rocky Balboa who said "It isn't about how hard you can hit, but how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward."
It's part of growing spiritually.
The end of this passage is just glorifying God for all the He's done. I think it is an inspiration to see that Paul of all people can continue to worship his God. We should all take the same mentality and I can't help but smile when I think about the kind of Mercy God has shown to me and tender hearted love. -peace,peace-
Pastor Lee it's 45 cent wing day
Movie tomorrow????

Anonymous said...

The end of the year is a hard time for any student, let alone seniors. Being a senior and having to deal with all the stress of ending high school and starting college can put anyone on edge. My mother is also having a stressful time dealing with the transition. What I learn everyday is that we must not lean on our own understanding. I have a hard time with that and I work on it daily. I still struggle with allowing God to take full control over my life and that often puts me in bad situations. What I need to do is to trust in God and accept whatever situation comes my way and rejoice in the Lord and be happy, no matter what. Thank you for the amazing devotional. They really help when you are down and out.

-Rachel Evelyn. (Just to save for confusion)

Anonymous said...

There so much to discuss from this passage that I am just going to jump to the application.

For me this was super convicting. The part that talks about being content in whatever state that we are in. I know that a lot of times we think about this as just material things, but it also means the circumstances that we are in. I know a lot of times, I am discontent with the fact that I have no family around. Well, I just need to be content with how things are right now. I know it is easy for me to feel bad for myself, but I just need to be happy and satisfied with the circumstances that I am currently in.

Gaby said...

I think this passage is saying that whatever happens in life you should take it as it comes and be happy because God allowed this for a reason. God can use any situation and turn it into something to glorify him but your attitude needs to be willing.

Application: for me this kinda of goes with what i said yesterday. This year has not been a very good one and has been pretty horrible when i think about it. But on the flip side i see what God allowed to be removerd from my life has not only been replaced with something beeter but its prevented me from making mistakes and suffering the consequences like P. Lee said last nite. I know God has a HUGE plan for me and it gets frustrating sometimes because i don't reall know how much more I can take but i know God never gives you more than you can handle so i just got to grin and bare it. I'm really praying that God makes such a significant change in my life that i can see the difference but also that others can see the difference.

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys! You are all so very cool! I Am Proud of you! See you Sunday

Amanda said...

This isnt going to be long because im like half asleep and i havent had a monster today..soo...this is what i got from the verses:

You have to be content even under the worst circumctances. Make things better in life because it affects your attitude and the image you put off.

I know when im like really stressed,. i am not content at all.. but i really need to work on it. haha

okay, goodnight everybody!

Jessica M said...

Alrightyyy for Thursday, May 15, 2008 I say...
Paul is sitting in prison still and is telling us that we need to be content with wherever God puts us for he knows what is best! Paul is simply amazing to be able to sit there and say that... Like I said yesterday was that it is "easy" to be content with where you are because everything may be going just grand in life but what if you were in Paul's situation or think about the times when things aren't going so grand..not so easy now is it?? But that is what we need to learn to do.
American society has set an extremely high standard of living ummmm what’s the word, requirements! We think that we can only be satisfied if we fit in. I believe we base it on material things!
In verse 13 of Philippians 4, Paul says, "I can do all things in Him who strengthens me." A famous verse I guess you could say hehehe! Wow I am in a good mood I think because tomorrow is FRIDAY YEAH!!! SRY ANYWHO....
As Christians, we have all the power we need to fulfill our main purpose in life. We just need the faith to trigger it!
Christ's strength will be there for us just like it was for Paul but only if we learn to put ourselves out of the way and get our material "things" out of the way and focus on our main purpose in life -- To serve and please God and let Him work through us. THEN we'll find we can say, "I have learned in whatever state I am to be content," and "I can do all things in Him who strengthens me" and even "I rejoice!"

Jess loves everybody

HADOKEN!!! said...

At the begining of this passage Paul tells us that he has become content with all that he has. It's amazing that he can be so possitive while in prison. If I were in prison I would be COMPLAINING. He also says that through Christ, he can do all things. He tells these people that God is going to bless them because they are so generous to others. I have to say it once again Paul was a cool guy.

CCM said...

The only thing that makes me feel better than a free chicken sandwich at McDonald's is reading your comments. you guys are awesome! These verses are so powerful. You can get a sense of the joy and victory in Paul's conversation. Isn't it amazing that after over 2000 years the Church is still alive and well, even in the face of great opposition. I told Pastor Lee that I beleive God is doing a real work in our youth group that will spark Spiritual renewal(revival) in our church. This is sooooo coooool!
P.S. hey brooke...I have some music for you to work on.
Keep it real, CCM

Tylermon33 said...

what i got from this was that Paul was in prison and he was talking to the churhc of Phillipi saying that he was content with were he was (in prison) as long as God had a plan for in prison. also he says we can do all things throught Christ which strengthen us meaning we can do anything with Christ on our side. he also said that he was thankful because the people gave him stuff in prison but he wasn't thankful for himslef like most people but he was thankful for them because God would bless them for that, not many people would do that actually almost anybody wouldn't do that.

Buffalo Wild Wings Reward Activity!! Thanks for being faithful!

Stay Faithful and Join us Next Time!