SATURDAY, May 17th, 2008

Well, Well, Today is Saturday! What are your plans for today? Let us know what you plan to do today before or after your comments.

A Few Thought From Yesterday:
Michael MCCUE: Yesterday was a lot of fun! We should not have waited until you were leaving to do something like that. It was great!
Jill: Very enthusiastic devotions! I like it! Make sure and remind Kacey to do her devos!
Tyler: Hey!!!!! You never say anything else to anyone. You anly post the words of your devos. Do you even read this part? TELL CARY TO CALL PASTOR LEE AND DO HIS DEVOS!
Jon and David: Yes, McCues Party was awesome! We have to do that again soon!

John 1:6-13
6 There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.
7 This man came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all through him might believe.
8 He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light.
9 That was the true Light which gives light to every man coming into the world.
10 He was in the world, and the world was made through Him, and the world did not know Him.
11 He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him.
12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name:
13 who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

Wow, I love this passage! There are some great truths here! (Well, they are all over the Bible, but right now I really like these) The passage starts out by introducing the writer of this book.
Who is John? Well lets find out: John was a man, sent from God. Why was John sent? He came to be a witness of the light; he came to tell the world that their savior had come, so that the world would see Jesus and believe. John makes it clear: He is not the light, but he is witnessing the light that gives light to every person in the world. John understood that he had no greater purpose in life than to tell people about the light of Jesus Christ. Who was Jesus Christ? Well John goes on to answer that for us! Jesus is the savior of the world, who came into the world, but the world did not know Him; and the world did not receive Him.

BUT, those that do receive Him, (believers) become His children, as they enter into a relationship with Jesus Christ! Here is the application: Have you become a child of God? have you accepted Christ? If you have, then you have no greater purpose in life than to do what John did. That is, to live to witness the light of the world so that all men may believe.

Think about that. What a high goal: John didnt have the idea that, "Well I will tell them, but I dont know if they will believe or not". No, John said: I have some to witness the light so that All may believe.

Who have you shared the gospel with lately? Are you fulfilling your life purpose? Find a way to share the gospel with someone as soon as possible!



Jonny Boy said...

John was a man that came to tell the world about Jesus Christ and then the verse says that John was not the savior but he was the man that came to tell them.Then it says that the world did not know who Jesus was so thats why John came to tell them abot Jesus Christ.
Jonathan Massey

Anonymous said...

As with most of the passages from the Bible, this had a lot in it. John was not of the world, the world did not know him and many did not accept him, but those who did saw the eternal light. This is a great feeling, knowing that all we have to do is be of Jesus to not be of the world. It is sometimes hard, because of the fear of rejection, to tell friends and especially family about the love they can find in Jesus. I just recently told my atheist friend about Jesus and I thought he was going to deny me and tell me that I was wrong. Yet he did not tell me I was wrong, in fact, he told me that he wanted to have a relationship with God and that he wanted to learn more about God's love. Just thought I'd share that with everyone! Don't think just because someone doesn't seem like they will listen that they won't. We don't want to deny anyone God's amazing grace.

- Rachel E.

Anonymous said...

IT SOOO TOTALLY WORKED!!! i showed my mom wed & thur. devo's & shez letting me YES!!!!!!!!

k sooo...back 2 business...

One of the few verses that is str8 4ward...

John is a man sent from god 2 witness to his(god) people who did not know him(god)...

He was sent to teach of the TRUE LIGHT our savior Jesus Christ...he was to witness to ALL weather they would believe or not.(i know sometimes we're scared to witness to people who might not believe but itz worth a shot, cuz WE'RE children of god & our job is 2 spread the word 2 ALL)

He taught about how Jesus came but they wouldn't recieve & those who did we're saved & became children of God=] <3

i love this man=] What a great example...sharing the word to ALL=]

Anonymous said...


weird high school kid said...

Finally john made an account.

Alright so i don't know why but john is writing in the third person saying i have come to tell you of jesus, and that he isn't the light only the person telling of it. So he says how God made the world and he is in it but people just don't know about him. so god went to the people he made and they didn't want anything to do with him. So then some people accepted him and because of that they get to be gods children and now god is giving them so much.

McCue said...

So John is so cool. I love that although he worked so much for the glory of the lord he never once claimed that he was greater that his purpose. He shared the light and prepared a way for Jesus and he knew his calling from day one. We should each do some introspection and look to the Lord to find out what it is that He would delight to see us do in purpose. Because there isn't any greater purpose than God's and John ate Locusts in the desert for Christ.
Yea I had a blast thank you all for coming
:( sorry nobody invited you Rachel I had no idea. I guess it spread by word of mouth more than anything.

Tylermon33 said...

what i got from this was that John was sent to see Jesus and to preach the gospel to people about Jesus. it also says that the world was made by Him but no body knew Him and that is why we (Christians) are here, to preach the gospel and to lead people to Christ (get them saved). it also says that the people that believe in Him will become the children of Christ and see Him one day in heaven and that since we are the children of Christ we should teach other people about Christ so they can become the children of Christ also.

PS. Pastor Lee i do read the "thoughts from yesterday" but i can't get a hold of cary because he is at his dads this weekend and i don't have his number so i will tell him tomorrow when i see him. also the only plans i have this weekend with my mom is that we went to Bradenton today to go to the mall, eat lunch, and go see my moms mom because she was suppose to come down today but she didn't have enough time because she had to work overtime, and i don't think we are doing anything tomorrow.

Rachel☺; said...

I find this passage to be about Johns real understanding of his lifes purpose and how he acted on it.
He knew he had a purpose as a Christian, and he knew that purpose was especially from God and that purpose was to witness of God.
As Christians it really is our lifes purpose to witness of God and spread His word to everyone who doesnt know of it. So, just as John did we need to realize our purpose to witness and do so for the Lords glory and way.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

By the way: that message was for Tyler King: and sorry about the caps lock thing :)

Rachel☺; said...

oh and just so you know i read everything pastor Lee :]
My plans for today were to do homebound this morning and then go to the beach with Erica, and thats pretty much exactly what i did.
**PS;; I didnt go to the revival i had told you about, and after talking to you decided it was a better that i didnt.

Anonymous said...

YOU ARE AMAZING (and no, I did not accidentally have the caps on that time) I think it is incredibly wise of you, to make tough choices like that. Did you have fun at the beach? You should bring Erica to Sunday School tomorrow morning. I wasnt to meet her AGAIN.

I know it is probably too late to work it all out though. I will see you in the morning!

Aznricerunr[PN] said...

God sent john to witness to every one and tell evry one that God is real. Many people got saved from john. God can use use this way to we just need to stop being lazy and get out there. Theres some people that wont listen to you and just not accept him but we need to keep trying and don't get discouraged.

I need to witness to all my friends and be Gods light. some of my friends arent saved and it will be my fault that they go to hell if I dont tell them about Jesus.

Anonymous said...

brooke, that is awesome that you can do your devotions online now . I was praying for you that you could. God always honors us when we listen to the authority over us (your parents) he softened their hearts to you using the online tool. WAY TO GO , KEEP IT UP BROOKE AND ALL YOU YOUNG ADULTS IT IS AWESOME TO SEE YOU DOING YOUR DEVOTIONS,. THEY ARE A BLESSING TO ALL OF US. LOVE MR. PAUL

HADOKEN!!! said...

I like how this verse starts out. They tell us that John is not God (the Light) but that he is just here to witness and document the Light. It tells that John was there to tell other about the Light and to win them over to God. It reminds us that when you accept God you become His child. Are you a child of God?

Amy said...

We should be telling people about Christ everyday. Our purpose of life is to please God and tell people about Him through the Word of God. John was not a god he was sent by God to tell people by God. Maybe when some of us teenagers are older we can be sent by God to tell people about Jesus. John was'nt greater than God. He was fulfilling his purpose in life to serve and please God by telling others about Christ.

Jillian said...

well i guess you could say that were kinda like John were in this world to share and show the Light which is God/Jesus and were to be witnesses to others in this world so they can believe what we believe and sometimes it doesnt even mean to go and talk to them about Jesus alot of times your actions (if it shows the light through us)can get them asking questions about why we are always so happy or why we always have a good attitude about stuff
ok i know there were alot more verses in this devotion but these are the ones that stood out the most to me =]

Gaby said...

We are like John because were in the world to share and show the Light (god) and to be witnesses to others. Even if we dont want to we should still attempt because this will let others have an opportunity to be with god.

hoffymann07 said...

It has been an encouragement to me to see this up and running. My name is Matt Hoffmann. I am a youth worker at Trinity Baptist Church and actually work with Steve Aenis and Amanda Aenis in the tenth grade youth group. I heard about this last night (Wednesday night) and have visited it the past few days. Keep up the good work, taking time to read God's word. He will bless you for it. Can't wait to be able to discuss with my kids soon.

Buffalo Wild Wings Reward Activity!! Thanks for being faithful!

Stay Faithful and Join us Next Time!